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Tomorrow was the singing competition, all week I've practiced, and practiced. Now all that was left was my outfit. I asked my mom to come with me to buy it. When she found out about the competition, she was happy, she agreed to come, and today as I needed an outfit, she was glad to help me out.

"What are you looking for?" She asks.

I look around the shop. "Something me, but not me."

She smiles. "Not confusing at all."

I spot a dress, blue, puffy, but then I see buttons and I walked away. I followed my mom to the pants section. We went through a variety of pants that I would never consider wearing. I guess my mom saw it all over my face since she says "You know there's a shop that sells vintage clothes here, right?"

I look at her now. "Take me."

And she did. The shop had red walls, purple hangers, and racks. It was like a carnival but for girls in the nineties. My mom swayed to the music, and she smiles at me. I laugh and shake my head as I make my way further in. A woman with dark purple hair and like five piercings on her face approaches me. Man, I remember how I started off wanting to look unapproachable, and here I was. "Can I help you?"

"You can, is there anything that says look at me?" She smirks and gestures for me to follow her. I follow her and glance over my shoulder to see my mom checking out some shoes. The girl leads me to the back, where there was a variety of dresses and skirts. They looked crazy, bold, outspoken. It was exactly what I needed. "This is it."

"Let me know if you need my help." I smile at her and then walk up to the first dress that caught my eyes. It was dark purple, jean fabric, it had a belt, a chain, and it was sleeveless, the bottom had a puff, white and purple. It was an overall dress with a puff, who made this thing, I was in love. I grabbed my size. "Nice choice."

"I need a long sleeve shirt." She leads me to the shirt section. There were so many choices to choose from. I grab a black vintage shirt sweater that had a weird design on the center. "How's this?"

I hold up the shirt beside the dress. "Maybe try white." I nod and put the shirt back. Mom stands beside me now and holds up a white long sleep shirt with a small ruffle on the sleeve. "That's the one."

I take it and smile at my mom. "Thanks," I turn to the girl. "Can I try it on?" She nods, and we follow her in to where the fitting rooms were. She gave me a wooden square as I gave her my bag and my mom waited with her as I went into a fitting room.

When I had the clothes on, I twirled, with a smile I walked out and twirled again for the two of them, but mostly my mom. "So?"

"That's the outfit." My mom says. And I smiled at her before I entered the fitting room again. That day, I paid, and we sat in the food court to eat. Before we left my mom turned to me and said "Your dad would be so proud."

The Art of Being MXWhere stories live. Discover now