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I was watching PLL (Pretty Little Liars) last night, and I was up to an episode where Aria and her friends were at a masquerade ball. That's when my grand idea came about.

I'm going to mask my face for the talent show, and hopefully, no one will know. Which explains where I was now. There was a thrift shop not far from my house, and I recalled seeing a couple of masks stored in a box.

My friend Andrew, old and friendly, led me towards it. "Is your school having a masquerade party?" I was behind him as we made our way through clothes and toys. This was my favorite place, most of my clothes were thrifted, or vintage. I always walked around school either looking like a hippie or a girl from the '90s or '80s. Which I loved, it was who I was as a person, I was an old soul.

"Not quite."

He hums, and then we come up to the box I saw a few times before. "Well, good luck, if you're looking for a mask here they are." He gives me a smile before he walks back to the counter.

I pull the box out from under the table and go through it. I find three masks, exactly alike, it was black with some purple, three white dots on the left of the mask. The outer part was laced. I grabbed all three of them and pushed the box back in. Three was a safety measure. If I needed a backup, I'll have it. So, I walked up to the counter and ringed it up.

"Great choice, those are some of the newer ones." He bags them, and I pass him the money. "Have a good day Olly." I give him a smile.

"You too, thanks, Andrew."

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