Chapter 5 ~

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Chapter 5 ~

Robert entered the house, sweat forming on his forehead.

God, I'm nervous already...

"Hello? Anybody in?!" he shouted, stuttering slightly.

"We're in the kitchen, Robert!" Chrissie shouted.

Robert could hear the chat of people, simple chats they usually talk about.

He walked into the kitchen and saw Chrissie and Lawrence sitting at the table, each holding a coffee and talking about some paperwork with some houses. He stopped by the door, sweat still on his forehead. After some time, Chrissie looked up at him, frowning.

"Are you alright , Robert?" she asked, furrowing her brow.

"Can - can I speak to you?" Robert said, licking his bottom lip.

"Okay, it's nothing serious is it?"

"Erm... can we do it in private." Robert moved his eyes to Lawrence.

"What is it? Love, you're worrying me now." Chrissie said.

" Just do it," Robert urged, his body fidgeting. God he was so desperate....

"No, stay here and say it, I want to know." Lawrence told him, narrowing his eyes.

Robert hesitated, as he tried to find the right words, to make it easier."Fine....Erm.."

"Robert?" Chrissie asked, concerned.

"I don't want to be married to you anymore.. I'm sorry.." Robert said.

"What!" Lawrence yelled, standing up, hands tightly on the table.

" What's the problem? What do you mean? Don't you love me no more?" Chrissie asked, horror on her face.

Robert sighed and said, "I love someone else.. I've never loved you - you...."

Lawrence quickly, before Robert realised what happened got punched in the face, directly on his cheek.

Lawrence said in rage. "How could you do this?"

"I didn't mean - I'm so sorry," Robert replied, clutching his cheek, before turning and leaving the kitchen. He went upstairs, packed a bag of most of his clothes and valuable items and went out the door.

How did I say that so calmly and without feelings?
I'm really am a dick, aren't I?

Robert made a 5 minute run back to the garage, puffing and panting.

Aaron looked up from Royal Blood playing on the stereo and started putting a new boot on a car.

Aaron sighed happily, one of my favourite bands, the day's going well.

Aaron looked up hearing running coming from somewhere.

He could see Robert running towards him clutching a bag, until he stopped on the garage driveway, clutching his stomach and breathing hard.

"Robert? Robert!" Aaron ran towards him, rubbing his shoulder. "You okay?"

"I - I t-told C-Chrissie and she kicked me out.. they looked disgusted... I didn't tell them about us, you don't have to worry.."

"Oh Robert." Aaron sighed sadly, pulling Robert into a hug.

Robert breathed heavily into Aaron's chest, clutching his t-shirt.

"So you got a bruised cheek then?" Aaron finally asked, stroking it with his fingertips.

"Yeah, I kinda wish it was my eye though. I'll have panda eyes.. "

Robert & Aaron : You've Always Been Mine (Robron)Where stories live. Discover now