the birthday weekend

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I was at my godfather's house, Spinners End getting ready to go to my godmother's, Malfoy Manor to spend mine and Draco's birthday weekend. Mine is June 6th while he is June 5th. Today was the 4th so we'll be arriving today.

Wearing my best green dress I hopped down the stairs safely gripping the railing. Slipping on my black mary janes.

"Ready, Florence?"

"yup!" I beamed up at him. A small smile twitched on his lips. In a swift movement, he miniaturized our trunks mine being heavier since I was staying for a while with my godmother Narcissa, Aunt Cissy as I call her.

In sync, I set foot into the fireplace holding hands with who was basically my father. "Malfoy Manor" he threw the floo powder down at our feet and I felt myself being transported to the living room of Malfoy Manor.

"Flor!" Draco yelled and ran embracing me in a hug "ready for an epic birthday!"

"of course, Dray" I tried to remain calm as my godfather taught me but I couldn't help but break out into a grin.  I knew what this birthday would bring. Hogwart's letters, seeing as we were now coming of age. 

We both knew we were Slytherin seeing as all our family was Slytherin. There was no doubt we'd be put elsewhere.

"ah there's my beautiful goddaughter" Narcissa crouched and I practically sprinted into her arms.

"Aunt Cissy!" I laughed as she tickled me before straightening up as her soul-sucking husband walked into the room.

"Florence, good to see you again" his cold eyes boring into my blue ones. They may be the same shade as Draco's but they lack the emotion.

"Thank you for having me" I replied politely

"This is your home, your always welcome" the way he said it made it seem like a threat.

"Good to see you Lucius" Uncle Sev saved me by pulling Lucius's attention off of me.

"Go play" Aunt Cissy pushed me and Draco out of the room.

"Tag your it!" Draco hit my shoulder softly before running out the door into the yard.

"You are so on!" I lifted the hem of my dress a little higher as to not block my knees before I sprinted off after him. Tieing the dress as I ran was a difficult feat but was done so so I'd have access to both my arms. 

Draco's shoes were discarded near the house and I two kicked off my mary janes and stockings.

it didn't take me long to catch up to Draco. Now it was only the matter of tagging the boy. 

My mind was working hard and I pulled a fake-out in which direction I was going to try and go. Draco foolishly fell for it and I quickly pivoted and tapped him on his arm.

He lunged and we both tumbled in the green grass laughing as we landed on our back breathing hard from the running. 

"you get me every time with that move" he chuckles still out of breath

"what can I say it's a classic" I laughed along

We lay there cloud gazing and talking about what we hoped Hogwarts would bring for the rest of the afternoon. 

Soon the sun started to set.

"Dobby has been sent to tell young master and missus to get ready for dinner in an hour" The house-elf was timid and wearing a dirty pillowcase.

"Thank you Dobby" I smiled at him as Draco and I got to our feet. Dobby managed a weak smile before disappearing.

"I still don't get why you thank them," Draco said

"It's a way for me to practice manners and doesn't everyone deserves thanks every once and a while"

"Your weird, Flor" Draco smiled

"Not as weird as you" I shot back as we climbed the stairs to our rooms.

"Keep telling yourself that" Draco rolled his eyes

"I'm not your bathroom mirror, but ok" I  smirked as I entered my bedroom cutting off anything else he had to say.

A black dress with large printed pink flowers. The house-elves picked out a good outfit for dinner.  

It flowed around my knees and I slipped on the pantyhose and black flats

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It flowed around my knees and I slipped on the pantyhose and black flats. Quickly I went to braid my hair.

"Please Miss let Winky" A female house-elf showed up in my room.

"Thank you Winky, just a braid please" I stayed seated in front of the vanity.

"Type of braid? miss. There is fishtail,  french..."

"if you have the time fishtail would be great" I smiled at Winky in the mirror.

"Winky got time, Winky was sent to see if you need help with anything. Winky is happy to do Missus's hair" Winky worked her hands into my dark wavy hair. It was long almost to the middle of my back.

Winky worked diligently and fast. Wrapping the hairband around the end of my hair when she was finished.

I looked in the mirror it was perfect. "Thank you Winky" I stood upright as there was a knock on my door.

"Time to go Flor" Draco's muffled voice could be heard


Winky was gone when I went to thank her again. Opening the door stood Draco waiting.

He held out his arm and I grabbed it and we made our way down the stairs. Our pureblooded manners that were and still are drilled in our heads came into play.

"Ah, there they are," Aunt Cissy said happily from the entrance of the dining room. 

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