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Victoria wrapped her coat around herself tightly as she walked quickly down the main road from her apartment to work. The wind whipped her long, dark hair around, and she could feel it pushing her back and forth on the sidewalk. Her bare legs shivered, and she could feel tiny raindrops hitting them. It was becoming dark outside, and there were people around her walking home after working all day.

She didn't feel too nervous walking around her neighborhood these days; The Saints had put fear into the hearts of those who wanted to intimidate or hurt others. The vigilante duo had taken to killing South Boston's crime bosses, and anyone who worked for them. Petty criminals were on their hit list, also. The city had become so divided over whether they liked the Saints or not. Victoria knew that she liked them though, and supported their work. She was tired of being scared to walk down her own street. Nobody knew who the Saints were, which Victoria guessed is how they liked it. She was curious to find out who they were, but was fine with not knowing if that meant she could feel safer.

Victoria picked up her speed, and it wasn't too long until she was pushing open the heavy, wooden door to her work place, and she felt the warmth of it's large, brick fire place engulf her. She could smell the familiar aroma of beer and whisky in the air as she shrugged her fluffy coat off, and hung it up on the coat rack next to the door. Looking around the small tavern, she saw that it was empty. This wasn't unusual, as it was only 5PM, and people would usually only start showing up after they had finished work.

As she tied an apron around her waist and made her way over to the fireplace, she heard the door to the storage room open. Her boss stepped out and a smile spread across his face when he spotted her.

"Hey Doc." Victoria said, turning away from the fire and warming the back of her legs.

"Victoria, good to see ye!" He said, standing behind the bar and picking up a glass to dry it. "Freezin' out there, hey?" Doc was the elderly Irish man who owned the pub. He was a larger man with silver hair and thick-rimmed glasses. He had a kind smile, and had to be the friendliest pub owner in South Boston.

"Crazy weather. Feels like it came out of nowhere." She replied, starting to feel the last of the cold leave her body. "Hopefully it passes soon."

The door to the pub suddenly opened and she could feel the wind again. A tall man quickly stepped inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Holy shit, that wind is crazy." He said, pushing his dark, shoulder length hair out of his face. His shaggy beard was looking even worse for wear after being out in the wind.

"Hey, Roc." Victoria said, giving him a small wave.

"How are ya, Tor?" Rocco took a seat up at the bar and stretched out his arms on either side of him. Doc placed a pint of beer in front of him. "Good to see you, Doc."

"Haven't seen you in a couple days, Rocco." Doc said.

"Works been hectic." Rocco explained, downing half of his drink.

Victoria reluctantly left the fireplace, and made her way behind the bar. She liked the beginning of her shifts because of how nice and quiet it was, but also looked forward to it getting busy as it seemed to speed the night up. After working at McGinty's for three years, she enjoyed seeing the regular customers.

Doc's pub was a small Irish bar in a lower class neighborhood in South Boston. He had opened it over a decade ago after moving from Ireland. It wasn't a popular pub by any means, but it had a decent amount of very loyal regulars.

Over the next couple hours, the place started filling up, with almost everyone coming in being somebody Victoria knew. People were slowly becoming louder the more they drank. As Victoria was pouring a pint of beer for someone, she heard the door open and everyone erupt with cheers. She didn't bother looking up, as she knew exactly who everyone was so excited to see.

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