(26) Birthday Banquet 3

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"Ath-Athanasia, ... "

Standing across from her younger sister, all alone, Jeanette suddenly felt like she had gone back in time to Athanasia's first tea party. Because of the way they were standing Jeanette felt like the nobles were glaring at her from behind Athanasia but in truth, they were just curious about the situation. Even the musicians stopped playing their instruments as everyone in the hall waited with baited breath to see what Princess Athanasia would do.

Since the second princess had disrespected tradition arriving later than the Emperor it wouldn't be strange for the younger girl to scold her older sister. However, Athanasia knew that Duke Alpheus was probably hoping for that outcome. If she caused a scene over Jeanette's actions the nobles would be more likely to remember her angry behavior rather than Jeanette's mistakes.

'Sorry Jeanette, ... but I don't plan on covering your stupidity this time.'

"Your dress looks so amazing, Jeanette!"

Despite her younger Sister's cheerful flattery the older girl was unhappy because Athanasia looked even more beautiful in her dress.

Even though she had the lineage of a Marquis family, it was her younger sister who had lived in the Imperial Palace since she was born. It was her younger sister who was living the life that she had always wanted.

'Not for much longer!'

Strengthening her resolve the brunette made a silent promise to herself. Her future had been laid out for her long ago, a future far more important than her lowly half-sister's. As long as she held her head up high and showed her own elegance as the daughter of a true noble then it wouldn't take long for the nobles to flock to her side.

However the aristocrats watching the scene unfold from the sidelines weren't impressed by the second princess at all.

"She's a cute girl, but ... her dress, ... doesn't it look just like the dress Princess Athanasia wore to the debutante?"

"Now that you mention it, it does look similar. Do you think she copied the First Princess on purpose?"

The whispering nobles kept their voices low but without music their hushed conversations echoed through the hall. Pretending to be worried about how her older Sister would react, hearing such harsh comments about herself, Athanasia reached out to hold her Sister's hands. Giving them a gentle squeeze Athanasia smiled before letting go and turning around to gesture at the high table where Claude was still waiting.

"We should hurry and take our seats, Daddy was about to start the banquet."

As the two princesses walked across the ballroom Jeanette was unable to handle the burning stares of the nobles and avoided making eye contact with them. While Athanasia smiled pleasantly at every guest they passed by. When they reached the stairs leading up to the high table the golden haired Princess pointedly ignored how Felix silently helped her up the stairs but glared at Jeanette when she glanced his way.

"No one was sure if you were coming so the servants must have forgotten to set up a chair for you. Emma, can you bring another chair please? Jeanette you can sit next to me!"

Calling out to one of the maids assigned to the royal table Athanasia quickly made sure that Jeanette wouldn't be able to sit next to their Father. At Princess Athanasia's order the Emperor looked annoyed but didn't say anything against it so the maid rushed to do as the Princess said.

No matter how much Jeanette tried to complain about unfair treatment no one would ever fall for her crocodile tears. Not when the First Princess was so kind and welcoming to the girl who had interrupted her debutante. It was her own fault after all, for not telling the servants of the Central Palace that she planned on attending the banquet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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