Between Sisters

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"Thank you for offering Jeanette, but you don’t have to do that, I’d hate to disappoint everyone. Oh, I know! Jeanette, could I borrow one of your dresses? The Ruby Palace is so much closer than the Emerald Palace! If I do that I'll be able to change quickly and come back."

Smiling brightly Athanasia turned towards Jeanette. The other ladies also looked at Jeanette with expecting eyes.

"What a wonderful idea Princess! That way we can keep talking."

"It's only one dress, I'm sure Princess Jeanette would be happy to help."

"It shouldn't be a problem because you're sisters."

Pressured by the noble ladies' words Jeanette couldn't do anything but agree.

"O-of course Sister, I have plenty of dresses so it isn't a problem at all. You can borrow any of them that you like."

Despite the fact that the only dresses she owned had come from the Alpheus Mansion Jeanette pretended otherwise. There was no way she could admit such an embarrassing thing in front of the other ladies.

"Thank you Jeanette! ... Everyone please stay here and wait for us to come back, Lily can you call some maids to bring tea? Felix you should stay and help Lily."

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

From the moment Jeanette had entered the Ruby Palace Amy could tell that her young mistress was troubled. Knowing that Jeanette was supposed to be attending the first Princess' gathering she wondered if something had forced her to leave early.

"Princess, are you alright? Did something happen?"

Walking up to the young girl Amy tried to ask her questions before freezing in shock. She hadn't seen her when she was far away, but the first Princess Athanasia was following Jeanette closely. Even more surprising was that she was alone, without her usual group of maids and escort knight.

"N-no, nothing is wrong Amy. I-its just, ... Athanasia had a bit of an accident, and her dress got messed up. So she asked to borrow one of mine."

Despite her pleasant smile Jeanette's voice was wavering slightly. Looking down at the first Princess' dress Amy noticed that the bottom seemed to be stained with mud.

"Yes, Jeanette offered to lend me one of her dresses since it would be faster to change here rather than going back to the Emerald Palace."

Speaking as if Jeanette had been the one to suggest it, Athanasia finally spoke up.

"Right, Jeanette?"

"Of co-course, Sister."

Still forcing a smile Jeanette replied as if she had been backed into a corner.

'Just by looking at my princess' face it's clear she doesn't want to share her things. I know she's been trying to get closer to the first Princess, but why would she offer to share if she didn't want to?'

"I see, ... please follow me then."

The surrounding servants were listening in on their conversation while pretending to be busy.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

By the time the three of them had arrived at Jeanette's room a rather large group of maids were already waiting for them.

"Princess, please allow us to help you get dressed up!"

The moment they had heard the reason for the First Princess' visit they had rushed toJeanette's room to start preparing things. Seeing so many maids in her room Jeanette froze up, she had seen some of them in the halls before but they had always ignored her. In fact, the overly energetic one who was speaking for the group had always looked down on her whenever they passed in the hall.

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