(1) Eventful Debut

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Athanasia smiled happily as her Father spun her around. After stepping on his foot she had expected to fall down but Claude had caught her much to the surprise of the older nobles. Athanasia could swear she heard a few faint gasps of surprise, she had been surprised too. In another time this closeness would have been reserved for Jeanette alone, but at this moment there was only her. With her feet back on the ballroom floor Claude once again began to lead her through the waltz.

“I can tell that you just stepped on my foot.”

Despite talking casually there was no change in the emperor's graceful movements.

“I knew your hands were strong but I didn't realize your feet were strong too.”

“A-Are you alright?”

“No, I'm in pain.”

‘I'm going to go bury myself in a hole, I’ve been practicing so much but I made a beginners mistake.’

Athanasia thinks to herself in embarrassment.

“I forgot you were a different person, no matter how similar you look. I've become quite foolish.” Distracted by the soft expression on Claude's face Athanasia accidentally stomped on his foot once more.

“I thought you said Madam Pompidou complimented you every day until your ears bled?”

“I'm usually very good, I must be nervous today.”

As the waltz came to an end Athanasia took a step back from her Father and knelt down before him. With a hand over her heart she pleged loyalty to him formally as his daughter and as the only princess of the empire. As the Emperor reached out his hand to help her up Athanasia wished with all of her heart for it to be true.

‘If only …, if only Jeanette had never been introduced that day. Would I have found happiness?’

The audience around the two clapped loudly and elegantly as they watched the pair. Smiling brightly to hide the whirlwind of  emotions she was feeling, the young princess basked in the praise of the nobles who had once cursed her.

“You did well.”

“I'll do even better next time.”

The nobles behind her gasped in shock. For not only did the Emperor escort Princess Athanasia. The Princess was able to speak so casually in front of the Emperor. Never before had anyone been so comfortable in the presence of the Emperor. Many in the audience were in awe of the pair.



“Cough, Cough cough!”

Just then the people who overheard the Emperor's words started to gossip intently. Shocked to their core the nobles almost stopped breathing and coughed to regain their composure. Their eyes were wide open as they watched the Royal Family carefully. They had never seen such an expression on their Emperor's face. It was different, it was crazy, but at the same time it felt natural.

‘Why am I the one that’s embarrassed? He’s the one who said that!’

As the golden pair stepped away from the dance floor, and moved towards the throne Roger Alpheus approached them.

“How moving it is that the Princess is already having her debut. She was so very small the first time I saw her.”

Congratulating Athanasia with his sly words the Duke then turned to the Emperor.

“However, there is something I would like to talk to you about, your Majesty. If you would permit it then I would be honored to introduce you to someone who would surely awaken your interest.”

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