The Blessed and The Cursed

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"Can you believe how lazy that new princess is? She was still sleeping at noon! We had to wake her before we could even clean her room."

Because there were so many in the palace curious about the newly found princess rumours about Jeanette spread rapidly. Those in the palace who had already been charmed by the first princess were already sceptical, but their opinion was only strengthened by the rumors.

"It's true! Even after waking her up we couldn't finish our duties. Making us serve her until she was satisfied. We barely had time to finish cleaning the rest of the guest rooms."

"The new princess even complained about the dress we prepared for her! Saying it wasn't an appropriate thing for her to wear!"

"How can she be related to Princess Athanasia, who's so lovely?" The servants of the Ruby Palace who were already fond of Princess Athanasia were in shock at how different Lady Jeanette was. Unlike Princess Athanasia who would greet the maids every morning, Princess Jeanette's first instinct was to order them around.

While it was nothing unusual for an aristocrat it angered those who had been forced to part with their beloved princess to serve the arrogant Jeanette. Normally it would be disgraceful for a maid to spread such information even if it was true.

However everyone ignored that rule wanting to know more about the girl who had appeared out of nowhere daring to threaten the first princess who was beloved by the whole continent.

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"Felix, will you tell the coachmen to ready a carriage? I promised to visit the maids at the Ruby Palace tonight to tell them about my debut, but my feet feel a bit sore from the dancing. I don't think I'll be able to walk, but I don't want to disappoint them." Showing him a troubled expression the knight immediately caved to the princess's request.

Even though the Ruby Palace was now the home of Jeanette Felix suspected nothing knowing that the Ruby Palace was once Princess Athanasia's cherished childhood home.

Watching him leave the princess smiled to herself, in the past it was the maids of the Ruby Palace who had ignored and abused her, but not now. No, now that she was beloved by the emperor there was no way for anyone to criticize her.

When Claude had discovered the maids stealing from her he had them bound and beaten before her.

"Father even though they have been so cruel to me, ... they also have families who care about them! So please ... please give them another chance to prove they can be good people!"

Dressed in a simple pink dress with tears in her round eyes the maids and knights' hearts were stolen by the beautiful angel who spared them. After that day everyone in the Ruby Palace became extremely motivated. When it was time for the princess to move to the Emerald Palace those who had to stay behind wept tears of sorrow.

However to get revenge on Jeanette more easily in the future Princess Athanasia continued to visit the Ruby Palace treating the servants like family.

Just like she had lived forgotten in the Ruby Palace Athanasia thought it was only fair for Jeanette to experience the same, now that their situations were reversed. Normally she would walk to the Ruby Palace as it wasn't that far however,

'Jeanette must be waiting patiently for the emperor to arrive, not that he'll ever come. If I ride in one of the palace's carriages she might get her hopes up and think the emperor has come!'

Giggling to herself the young princess asked Lillian to help her change into something more fitting. While she had no intention of tolerating Jeanette's company tonight it was inevitable that they might see each other.

'In the past you always viewed me as a lesser, fake princess. How will you feel when this fake princess ignores you for the maids who treat you like air? Won't you be just as miserable as me in the past?'

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Growing bored of the gardens Jeanette walked slowly back to her rooms, in front of the Ruby Palace waited a gold gilded carriage.

'It must be the emperor! Who else would ride such a fancy carriage?'

Gasping in shock she quickly ran to greet her guest, embarrassed at being caught off guard. 'To think I would miss Father's visit admiring the gardens, hehehe~' The servants of the Ruby Palace were gathered around the extravagant carriage however instead of bowing they laughed joyfully.

Curious the second princess slowed down to take in the peaceful scene. 'Is this how Father treats the servants? Surely not! The royal family deserves respect, how can they treat the emperor so familiarly?' Thinking to herself the young girl smiled, slowing her pace to a brisk walk.

However the one standing before the servants wasn't the emperor. Coming closer Jeanette noticed the gleam of golden hair, so different from her own. Talking beautifully with the servants was the first princess Athanasia.

'Why would she be here? Did she come to visit me?' Seeing as her guest wasn't the emperor Jeanette once again slowed down to fix her appearance.

'If it's only sister I'm sure she won't mind the wait, she must have come to visit me, I am her older sister after all.' Finally reaching the palace entrance Jeanette smiled politely. It wouldn't do to leave a bad impression on the first princess who was loved by the emperor. Even if Jeanette was sure to take her place soon.

"Ah, sister did you come to visit me?" Not noticing the annoyed stares of the servants the young girl called out gently. The maids desperately tried to hide their snickering, as if the thought of the first princess visiting her new sister was absurd.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you. Would you like to have tea together? I'll send someone to prepare it for us."

"Oh my! Lady Jeanette!" Moving her hand to delicately cover her mouth Princess Athanasia seemed shocked to see her. "Such bad luck to only see you now! I was just about to return to the Emerald Palace." The first princess responded with a bright smile as if she was an angel sent from heaven.

"Return? ... to the Emerald Palace?" Confused Jeanette couldn't help but think aloud. 'Why would she return to the Emerald Palace without greeting me first? Did I keep her waiting too long?' With a delicate smile Athanasia let out a sweet laugh.

"Of course, it's already so late after all, my maids will worry if I don't return on time for dinner, ... they must be waiting for me already ... "

Giving the excuse that her maids would worry Athanasia expressed her regrets. Not wanting to push Jeanette too far so soon she left out the fact that she normally ate dinner with the Emperor and was currently headed to the Garnet Palace.

"Princess, we should get going," Knowing the Emperor was waiting for her Felix urged Athanasia to enter the carriage quickly. Noticing the First Princess's words Felix was touched by her thoughtfulness as she avoiding mentioning her closeness to the Emperor.

Looking down at the new princess Felix felt that she was pitiful but knew there was nothing he could do. As Penelope's daughter she was fortunate to even be allowed in the Palace. When she had first appeared at the debutante he had truly feared that the Emperor would strike the girl down. Even with Princess Athanasia watching.

"Ahaha, yes I often come to visit the maids of the Ruby Palace. I'm sorry Lady Jeanette but I must be off now, there are people waiting for me."

Without looking back the golden haired Princess climbed aboard the waiting carriage. Jeanette was left alone watching as her half sister was escorted away by a handsome knight in red.

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