Lessons Learned

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"Oh my princess!!"

Looking over at Princess Athanasia's needlework Lady Eleanor gasped in shock.

"This is perfect! Even though we've only just begun learning you can already do this much!!"

Sitting in the drawing room of the Emerald Palace Princess Athanasia smiled brightly at her new teacher. With the sun streaming in from the windows behind her illuminating her beauty, the princess truly looked like she was from another world.

"It's all because your so talented Lady Eleanor! With your help I was able to understand everything much faster."

Flushing at the praise, Lady Eleanor quickly turned to her sewing basket beside her with a smile. At eighteen years old the daughter of Count Windrey was a warm beauty with light pink hair and clear blue eyes.

"Since you've already mastered this why don't we try something more complicated?"

Rummaging through her basket the teacher pulled out two new squares of cloth.

"A-ah, teacher how about the crest of Obelia?"

"Obelia's crest?" Looking puzzled the Countess responded with confusion. "Are you sure Princess? Obelia's crest is quite complicated! It still might be too early to learn that!"

"I see, but if possible I would still like to learn it! You see, I want to make a handkerchief for Father."

Showing her the box brought in by Lily the princess continued.

"I even ordered the best silk and thread available for it! Because it's for Daddy I want it to be perfect."

Even after hearing it was difficult the first princess showed her determination to learn it.

'Nobles believe that you will be lucky if you carry a handkerchief made by your wife or daughter. In the past Jeanette also gifted Father a handkerchief she made herself when she turned fifteen. Though she was bad at embroidery and it was rather simple, Father still carried it with him. I want to give him a handkerchief so elaborate no one will be able to find fault with it, not even Jeanette.'

"I-I see, ... if Princess is so set on it of course I will teach you! But let's practice a few times on this fabric before we use the silk you ordered."

Folding almost immediately to Athanasia's hopeful face the Countess handed her a square of fabric.

'How lovely can the princess be? Even though Obelia's crest is difficult to learn she is so determined because it's a gift for her Father.'

Unaware of the young princess's true motive the woman smiled warmly at her. With a light heart the teacher began to explain the basics to her young student.

"Unlike the other patterns we've learned so far when sewing Obelia's crest it's important to start with an outline. See this shield shape?"

Pointing at the shield shape on an example the teacher continued.

"All of the other patterns on the crest extend from this shape, so it's best to start with the shield. Even though it's just an outline it's important to focus on your stitches from the very start. If the shield in the middle looks lopsided everything else will end up unbalanced."

"I see,"

Following her teacher's lead on her own cloth the princess was surprised at the complexity of the design.

'It truly is difficult, no wonder Jeanette who was bad at handicrafts could only make a simple handkerchief. But even still, it isn't too hard that I couldn't have learned it before. I truly was blind, even though it's so easy to learn I couldn't do it because I was convinced she was better than me.'

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