Chapter 1 New School, New Surprises

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  • Dedicated to Angelique Chua

Chapter 1      New School, New Surprises

Nikki Collins > Monday   September 7

            School bag…check! Lunch…check! Hair and outfit…umm…acceptable. Okay…I think I’m ready—WAIT! My guitar! Mustn’t forget this on the first day of school. I rush over to my room to get my guitar. Got it! Now…I’m ready!



            I jump at the mention of my name. As usual, my brother, Nathan, is teasing me. “What do you want now?” I ask. I don’t know why but Nathan keeps on giggling like he won the lottery or something. It’s kind of embarrassing being seen like this.

            “Your face!” he blurts.

            Huh? What’s wrong with my face? I check my reflection in my mirror to expect a giant zit in the middle of my nose, instead just a clean (not to mention cute!) face.

            “You should have seen the look of your face. You look like you just died and went to heaven.” He says, still laughing hysterically.

            Oh. I get it now. I must have looked pretty dumb staring at Meridian Academy, the most elite school across America (I think).

            “Sorry! I can’t help it. I’ve been waiting forever for this day to come.” I say. You see, me and my family recently moved here a few days ago. At first, I was against this. Then my mom told me that she’ll enroll me in this fantastic school which I’ve been dying to go.

            “He he… Whatever. I’m going. Can’t be late for school.” He left for the opposite direction of Meridian Academy. He’s in high school so he attended the school right in front of mine.

            I’m about to take my first step that I realize one very important fact; I don’t recognize a single soul here.

            Oh my god! Why hadn’t I thought of this before? And here I am getting excited when I had absolutely no idea what to do.

            I’m about to turn back home when the strangest thing happen. A girl wearing the cutest turquoise-colored sweater and black miniskirt waves hello to me.

            Wow. When the brochure says there are friendly people here, they’re not kidding.

            Compare to her short, pretty light-blond hair with my boring golden-brown hair and her sky blue eyes with my plain blue eyes, I almost feel like a loser. Almost.

            I’m about to say hi back when she says a sentence that ruined everything.

            “Those sneakers of yours must have been glued to the floor because you’ve been standing there for a whole minute which is very weird because it’s amazing that those small feet of yours can hold up your weight.”

            I cannot believe those words can be put together in just one sentence. I know I’ve been standing for quite a while. I know I had smaller feet than most people and I know I’ve been gaining weight and look fatter lately but that is no excuse to make fun of a newcomer.

            From that moment on, I know I’m going to have one lousy seventh-grade year.

            I storm right past her. Thanks to that “accident”, I learn one valuable lesson, which is never ever believe anything written in the brochures because it’s just a trick to lure you in.

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