Chapter 11

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( A/N: A week later, Sophia's outfit is up above. Sophia's POV )

I'm rudely awake by a car horn outside and by my alarm all at the same bloody time.

Why can't I ever sleep in?!

I turned off my alarm and went to get ready for online school. After I got dressed I went downstairs to make food, as I walked into the kitchen I started to make an omelette.

As I'm making my breakfast I started to look back on the past week, Bella finally found out about the cold One's.  Bella said she'll wait until Edward tells her himself since it's not her secret to tell.  In the end she ended up telling him.  Way to be  mature about it.

Bella and I's friends met Stefan. They like him. Jacob met him as well and did that whole big brother thing even though I'm older than him! Dumbass!!

It was still nice though. In the end Jacob and Stefan became somewhat friends.

I told father about the supernatural world, he handled it well. I told him about my soulmates and I even told him about the cold ones knowing Bella won't tell him at all. 

Or even when she becomes a traditional vampire. I also told him about Bella's decision to become a vampire like my kind.

He is still getting used to the idea of Bella becoming one willingly but after I told him her reasons he started to understand it a bit better.

Our father met Stefan.  They are getting along. He's also talked to the rest of my soulmates, and started to like them.  Somewhat.

Stefan left back to Mystic Falls, he even gave father his number to call  him.  They even made a plan to watch  a football game some time.

I figured they would hit it off, Kol however I'm not so sure.  Father is a little stand offish with him.  As to be expected Kol can be intimidating at first but he's just either a big little kid with so much energy or a Teddy Bear.

I decided to wait and tell father about the castle. Let him adjust to the supernatural world since it is a big adjustment to take all in.

As for me being in school, I'm not going to be in Forks high school anymore. Yaya!!!!

Finally I don't have to wast my time on that school, I'm going to be doing online university schooling. 

After I'm done making myself food, I started to eat.  As I took my last bite I heard footsteps coming downstairs, I looked up to see Bella walking into the kitchen. 

" Hey sis." I said, as I put my dishes in the sink.

I walked over to Bella and hugged her.

" Oh.. hey. You okay Sophia?" Bella asked as she hugged me back. 

I let go from the hug, and put a smile on my face.

" Ya, I just wanted a hug. Do you want breakfast?" I asked.

" No, thank you. I have to go. Edward is waiting outside for me." Bella said as she grabbed an apple and walked to the front door.

We said our goodbye's and Bella left. I washed my dishes and put them all away. Once I'm finished, I went back upstairs and started with my online classes.

( A/N: Time skip to after school)

Once I  finished with my last class, I decided to call Alice and see if she wanted to hang out, which she did.

Once Alice got here, we decided to play Monopoly.

" So I hear that you are now doing online school, how's that going?" Alice asked

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