Chapter 2

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(A/N: Sophia's POV The next day)

I was sitting on my bed writing in my song book when Bella yelled my name.

"Sophia, are you awake?" She yelled. 

"Yeah I'm about to get ready for school!" I yelled back as I put my song book away and got ready. 

"Okay hurry" she yelled I got out of bed and got dressed

( A/N: The outfit is up at the top👆)

After I'm done getting dressed, I grab my bag and run out of the house and got into Bella's truck

"Are you ready to go?" She asked to get into the truck. 

" As I'll never be."   I answered  as Bella started to drive out of the driveway. 

 When we got to the school. Bella parked by a van that had people in it, they were looking at us. 

 I got out of the truck and started walking to the school, when I got in I walked to the office and to the lady at the desk

"Hi I'm new here." I said as she looked at me with a bored look on her face. 

"Uh yes you must be Sophia Swan. " she said I nodded in responds.  She walked over to the printer and grabbed some paper's. 

"Your tour guide will be here in a minute." she said  as yet again I nodded. 

Boy my neck already hurts from nodding as a girl with short black hair walked in. 

"Hi I'm Alice it's nice to meet you." she said putting out her hand I shook her hand. 

"It's nice to meet you I'm Sophia." I said 

"Okay let's get on with the tour.  We don't want you being late to any of your classes." she said walking out of the room I smiled and followed her out of the office.  We were walking to my locker as I saw Bella with a guy. 

Huh seems Bella's already got boy's wanting to jump her bones. 

"Okay this is your locker it's next to mine." she said  

"Thank you" I said she nodded. 

"Who is your first hour?" She asked a little too happy? 

"Uh Math." I said

"Oh you have that with my brother Emmett." she said

"Oh that's cool, how many siblings do you have? I asked

"Four Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, and jasper." she said as she handed me my schedule. 

" That sucks, I know what's it like to have siblings." I said as held my schedule in my hand. 

" It can be.  The Math classroom is  over there." she said pointing to the door that had a picture of a calculator on it.

" Well I'll see you at lunch, I have to get to my class. Welcome to forks." Alice cheerfully says.

She reminds me of Caroline a bit, with her cheerful welcome.

" Thank you, see you at lunch." I say with a smile on my face.

We parted ways and I started to walk to the classroom " You can do this, hold your head high." I thought to myself, I walked into the classroom and everyone stared at me.

I just ignore them and walk up to my teacher Ms James and give her my paper for her to sign, Ms James hands me a textbook.

 Ms James tells me to sit with Mr Cullen but I don't know where he is or who, I think Ms James saw my confusion because she said to the class,

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