[71.] Star Wars: Special Update // part 2

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A/N: Sorry about the late update and even though a couple of chapters are not up to 150 reads you guys deserve an update so it's another special update with tons of cool stuff I've recently researched and come upon. Enjoy. :)

Fact One: Benedict Cumberbatch does the perfect Wookie/Chewbacca and Jar Jar accent ever it's amazing! You can visit it at the 'Graham Norton Show'. Honestly he his amazing with accents :)

Fact Two: Felicity Jones - not a hundred percent sure - might starr in the new episode of Star Wars: Rogue One. What do you guys think?

Fact Three: This isn't really a big fact but I find it pretty amazing, I have a crush on this amazing guy. And he looks a lot like Luke Skywalker. Probably the only reason why I have a crush on him :)

Fact Four: James Earl Jones (THE VOICE OF DARTH VADER) is in the Sandalot. The first film he portrays the dogs owner of Hercules.

Fact Five: Some of the original actors/actresses are voiced in 'Star War Rebels' for example Anthony Daniels the voice of See-Threepio.

Fact Six: Natalie Portman & Hayden Christensen were both the same age in Star Wars. The way I know this is because they were both born in the same year (1981). Natalie was 18-19 I can't remember. I think 19. Anyways. Phantom Menace (1999) - Portman - age 19 then. Attack Of The Clones (2002) age 21 then Revenge Of The Sith (2005) age 25. So Natalie & Hayden were both the same age when ROTS finished.

A W E S O M E • S U R V E R Y
My opinion is underneath. Because it also gives out what I love and prefer. And I know what you guys love and prefer !! :)

[ 1 ] Luke Skywalker or Leia Organa Skywalker?
(Leia. But this is the hardest choice of my life!!!)
[ 2 ] Han Solo or Lando Calrissian?
(Han Solo all the way!!)
[ 3 ] Troopers or Ewoks?
[ 4 ] The Planet Hoth or Endor?
[ 5 ] R2-D2 or See-threepio
(Again, super difficult but threepio)
[ 6 ] Anakin or Padmè?
(Anakin. Padmè kinda pisses me off in a way, but I love her, but Anakin though)
[ 7 ] The Empire Strikes Back or Attack Of The Clones?
[ 8 ] Clones Wars or Rebels?
(Clone Wars)
[ 9 ] Chewbacca or Yoda?
(Yoda. But love them both so much!!)
[ 10 ] Darth Vader, Darth Maul or Darth Sidious

That's all for now folks. ✌️peace

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