Part Seven

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After rapping up the call with Katya, you were even more drained then before. There was no reason someone should be that excited at 10pm. That or maybe you were just old and boring. Your face felt practically raw after scrubbing off all of the layers upon layers of makeup Trixie had practically welded into your pores. Not even bothering to take of your clothes, you simply kicked your shoes to the side and jumped into your bed. It had been a very busy week.


You woke to a ringing, not the ringing of your alarm though, the ringing of your phone. Picking up the phone without even looking at the name. "Hello?" You grumbled, your voice still heavy with sleep.

"(Y/n)? Good morning honey, it's mom!" The voice came in from the other line. You didn't hear from your mom everyday, but the woman did make sure to call at least once a month. It was always something you looked forward to, but at this hour it wasn't as exciting.

"Hey, mom.." you yawned, rubbing your palms sleepily over your eyes. It was nice to hear her voice. Your conversations could sometimes get heated and she wasn't the biggest fan of you on your worst days, but she was still your mom in the end.

"How has business been going, dear?" She hummed, the background noise causing you to assume she was washing dishes.

"Good. I just signed 2 new guys." You explained, leaning out the whole drag queen thing. She wasn't the most open minded person and you didn't feel like arguing. You pulled yourself tiredly out of bed and slumped to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee started.

"That's wonderful. Speaking of guys..." she began. Knowing exactly the lecture she was going to give you, you groaned audibly and rolled your eyes. "(Y/n)! I just want the best for my daughter!" She scoffed.

"I know, mom. Sorry. There is someone though.. it's complicated." You explained, kind of regretting it the minute it left your lips. Brian and you weren't even a thing, you were just being pathetic.

"Complicated?" She pressed. You knew her well enough to know that your mother was not going to give up on this. You would be hearing about it for weeks if you didn't explain and that bitch could always see through your lies.

"Well we both like each other I think, but he's a client and I don't want things to get messy. That's all." You sighed, holding your phone in between your shoulder and ear as you poured yourself a cup of coffee.

"Oh. Well that's no reason to ignore your feelings dear. There always will be more clients, but I know you, (y/n). I'm your mother. Your standards are high and it's rare just anyone will meet them. I say go for it." She stated. Your brain was running a mile a minute. You knew she was right, but the fear  of commitment was definitely still a little crippling and you weren't quite ready to unpack all of that. Especially not so early in the morning. "Anyway, dear. I've gotta head to the store so I'll talk to you in a bit. Love you bye." She hummed, clicking off the phone before you could even answer her.

You suddenly were reminded why she was sometimes a bitch.

Taking your hot cup of coffee, you made your way out onto the balcony. Pulling out your pack of cigarettes and a lighter, you began the morning routine that had recently become so natural to you. That first drag of smoke was what really woke you up.

Your feelings for Katya were taking over your life at this point. You couldn't eat, sleep or work without the blond popping into your head. However now that you knew she liked you back, it was even more intense.

Now you were constantly thinking about the what ifs.

Your real problem wasn't Katya though. No, not at all. Your real problem was the idea of a relationship. The idea of caring about someone that much. You were only causing yourself strife, but there was no point in flipping the script on Brian now. You were a mess and he shouldn't have to deal with it.

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