Part Sixteen

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You sat alone in your apartment tapping your foot anxiously on the ground. You didn't even care that you were smoking indoors. You were way too nervous. Brian would be walking up those stairs any minute and you would be having a conversation you hadn't seen yourself having for many years.

You weren't a relationship person, never had been, but Brian threw a rock in that path. He changed a lot of things in your life actually. All for the better, but that didn't mean that change wasn't scary. You liked things to go your way and at that moment they just seemed to be blowing in the wind.

The patter of feet in the hallway drew your attention back to reality enough for you to realize that you had burnt through your cigarette filter and the flame was making a run for your fingers. Quickly snubbing it out in an ash tray, you cautiously stood from your chair, wandering over to the door.

You weren't sure that it was Brian, but your gut was. Only a few feet away from the white door, you stood frozen, waiting for the footsteps to stop or a knock to come at your door. Inspecting the wood grain, you could practically feel the air around you vibrating with nerves.

Then it came.

A gentle rhythmic knock at the door.

Your hand snapped to the knob and you pulled it open to see Brian grinning ear to ear. However, his peppy expression faltered slightly when he say your face.

"Oh god. Is this an intervention? I told you- I'll never quit mung diving- it's my passion!" He teased, a small hint of sincerity to his voice as he earnestly questioned why you looked as though you'd seen a ghost.

"We need to talk." You blurted out, the queens face falling immediately, expecting the worst. You didn't want to reassure him when you weren't quite sure what his reaction would be (despite Trixie and Violet's nagging), but you also hated how nervous your attitude made him. Brian was a very empathetic guy.

Closing the apartment door, the both of you walked over to the sofa and took a seat, Brian's body completely tense and static with nerves.

"My meeting went well (Y/N). Thanks to you and Trix, everything will be ok. This flop will just hop right back on the wagon." Brian added, trying to reassure you though he wasn't sure why you needed reassurance.

Throughout the past few weeks, you had experienced more passion and pain, and more joy and laughter than you had in a very long time. You had tried new things and hung out with the people you cared about. You had someone to talk to AND fuck and it took a roller coaster of emotion to realize what- more like who- was the cause of your life being lived more the better.

You couldn't hold it in any longer and you needed to tell him exactly how you felt.

"Brian... I'm-" you paused, your eyebrows scrunching together across your forehead and the queen in front of you holding his breath. "I'm in love with you." You finally blurted out.

Brian's lips parted and his face flushed. It seemed as though the world stood still with his silence, but a thousand barriers broke down when he lunged forward to kiss you. The waves of doubt and pain were all washed away in his lips, his arms moving to scoop you into a warm embrace.

He shuttered against you, almost scared to push you away again. You needed each other in that very moment and you had for a long time. "I love you too. So much..." He sighed against you lustily. He pulled back to look at you with dark eyes. "God, I wasn't sure how much longer I could go without saying that."

He pressed his lips back into yours. Your sensually sweet kisses began to harshen as the mood heated up, signalling to you that your predictions were right. Both Brian and yourself had rather high sex drives and would never pass up a chance to fuck.

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