Now is not the time

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•Ghost pov •
I need sleep ,but Jimmy will not let me. I hared a knock at the door and got up to answer it."Hello!" I smiled as I answer ,but got a hug tell I saw it was "Jordan!?"I said with a smile "Johnny! How are you ?" He smiled and wow he did smile he loves to smile."I'm good ,but toast is sick I think asleep." I said try to give off I NEED help."oh do you know need help?"he ask "YES!oh umm I mean yes I do thank you Jordan."i said trying to not let him see that I was exited.That time we hared a very loud groan I run up stairs to see Toast yet aging.Throwing up I sat next to him and comfort him why he was going back to sleep. Playing with his hair bored ,you can tell, as he slowly feel asleep when he was asleep. I didn't move I just sat there still playing with his hair. Jimmy was having fun watching me trying to leave.I can tell Jordan left so I just sat there and slowly feel asleep petting his hair.
•that morning•
I awoken to a sick Toast's arm around me.I blushed and just stayed there seared to move and to awaken him.I just looked at his sleeping form. His pale skin and pitch black hair and his smile so small and cute . I fell asleep again by snuggle up on him.

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