No what?

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•MASON pov *gasp*•
As I said bye to my new date of the week and wondering why him. When I got home whet to my room and stared on my homework.
•le time skip of boredom•
I tiredly trued off the light and got into bed.A few hours later I awoken to something no someone in my room.The foot steps where coming to me and I tried to act asleep then the person come to me."HeHeHeHe do YoU wHaT to KnOw My SecRet?!"a high pitch voice ask."n-n-n-no!"I shivered as I felt a cold knife go agent my skin."But it's a good one." The voice now deep and husky.I shivered more trying to get out of the grip the killer had on me. I knew it was a bad idea to date Ghost why did I do it.
•Jimmy's pov•
I smiled more as the older boy wiggled and thrashed under my grip.Ghost new what I can and will do to anyone who dates him that is not toast.So I stared tracking my knife up and down the losers boys back. Then when I fount the time I put my hand around his mouth,to stop the screams,and slit his throat. My smile grown larger as the red liquid spilled all aver my hoodie and his bed."I'm in love." was the last thing I said and left the same way I came In.One down three more to go to night was going to be fun.

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