The nightmare

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Like you do when you tell your best friend a secret you fall asleep on the couch with them. Wow just wow.
•in the dream•
"Oh now calm down toasty every thing will be all right as soon as it's over"I can hear I higher pitch voice and the first person .To go into mind was the demon in my brain Jimmy. I ran to find where his voice was coming from ,then I saw it toast was on the floor and blood was dripping from his stomach with the knife still in him and head. With a horrific face like he had seen the devil.Jimmy with his big thoothy grin and crazy eyes said "Look Toasty your prince in shining armor came to save you"! His laugh I can't stand to see this Toast only groaned in pain and stared cuffing up blood. "Jimmy stop what are you doing!" Worry flashed in my eyes and I can see pain in Toast eye. All I wanted to do was to help him and save him ,but Jimmy keep me there in one spot. I watched as he died slowly,but when Jimmy made sure he was he let me go over to him."To late prince he's gone!" I just pulled Toast dead and limp body up to my chest and stared crying.
•after awakening•
I felt yes I was so lazy I didn't what to open my eyes,but what ever I felt around for Toast .Fount out that his arms where around me and we where on the couch asleep are he was.I didn't what this to end ,but at last the brit got up sending me to fall where he once sat. Taking in and oxygen I got up and told Toast the drea- no my nightmare. He seemed interested in what I was saying hmm well I did have a little trouble telling him about his death. Also keeping the last part to myself not letting him know is best at this point. He made food for us and we just talk and done things.All day nothing new but I just can't get the nightmare out of my head.
•Toast pov•
I did really know something's like that he was bi and that,but when he told the nightmare to me I just knew he.Was hiding the real ending from me but I just didn't tell him I knew but. Last night I felt something that I just need sometime to think of for my boss something more then friendship. I fell asleep with him in my arms and it felt nice I just had a longing a yruning,but I just pushed it off as just a small thing."Johnny what if a hunted toaster came up to you?" My boss ask "Well sir I will try to hid and run away I'm just a pice of toast!" I said flanging my arms around to make a joke and he laugh. I stop and fell on the couch laughing also. Just thinking of how cute his laughter is made me blush . As I looked up at the roof I can see sir looking jealous of me most likely thing if I'm thinking of a fangirl I like. Only if he new thank he will have a smile on his face.

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