Chapter 5 - A new light

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Izuku POV

Timeskip 5 years


Just pain.

Every day, I'm brought to the chair.

Tube to the lungs

Grenades released

Trialed to suppress memories in Nemoto's "Game"

Cut open and closed

Cut open and closed

Cut open... and left open, until I close it myself with flames.

Carried back down through the hall, to a door.

Thrown inside, left to crawl to the center.

In the bed, blink to the next day or nightmares of my mother and friends

Nothing is different, I just talk to myself.


"Congratulations, you've found your way out," I said in bed.

"To keep every grenade alive, it costs a bit of your lung capacity"

"Soon enough"

"Soon enough you'll choke your way out"

*Mumble* *Mumble*

My eyes opened wide, this was new. Overhaul sometimes talked near my room, but this was far different. His voice felt... different.

I need to know.

I brought myself up to the door to listen in on what was happening, although it was all muffled.

"...Disapproved...  the boss......I...... that girl?... ....  .... ... the future! ... keep the stock... ... grenades..."

I was shocked to my very core, Overhaul only treats things talking about the future whenever he talks to me. Does this... mean there is going to be someone else?

Someone else was going to be stuck here, and a girl? Probably young, Overhaul gets them early.

For the next week, I tried my best to lower the power of the grenades so that I could save my breath.

Did I do it to save her? Was I just curious? I don't know.

Then the day came, I saw the door open earlier than usual, I knew what was coming.

She then stepped through.

Another light was now brought to be darkened.

She was a small girl, looking to be 3 or 4 years old. She wore a hospital gown and had messy, unkempt off-white hair. I noticed that she had bandages on all her limbs, so she knew how it was in his hands.


For some reason I wasn't brought to my usual room today, I'm not sure why. I think he said something about "repurpose."

I walked without much thought, only two expressions were on my face. Pained and hopeless. Little did I know someone else was with me, someone else was in this maze.

I stepped into the room and the door closed behind me, I looked around before I did something I never thought I could do.

I had a different emotion.



In front of me was a big kid, he had dark green hair and it was kind of like a dehydrated bush. His clothes were torn and bloody and had slash marks all across his face, and some black marks.

The noticeable thing about his face was that his eyes looked like they were consumed by the darkness around them.

"I..." I tried to speak but my voice wouldn't come out, not that I had used it for much else other than screaming.

I sat on the other side of the bed.

"If you can't talk, that's fine," the man said. "I'm... who am I again? Oh right, Izuku," the man said.

"What's your name?" he asked. I tried my best to let out a sound, "E...r...............i."

"Eri... that's a nice name," said the man.

Timeskip a year

"You're done for today, take her away," he said.

The hooded man brought me back to my roo- cell, I waited for him to close the door.

I ran towards the bed, "brother?"

Then the door opened and a shadowy figure came in,


"Hey white flower.." said the figure. I ran towards it without thought, this was my brother.

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. "Are you hurt worse than usual?" Izuku asked.

"No brother, stop asking that! You're worse than me, are you ok?" I asked with a sad frown.

"Nothing less than usual," he responded.

I hated that my brother was hurt more than me, he's been here for 5 years longer than I have. He can only burn himself shut to stop the bleeding, and there's nothing I can do!

"Eri..." I can't do anything, he doesn't even repair him "Eri!" I shot back my eyes to look at my brother.

"Calm down, your quirk is responding," he said. I stepped back in fear, "no, No stop!" I squealed as I saw yellow sparks.

My brother ran to me and hugged me, "get... away! I don't want... I don't want you to die!" I tried to say.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me" he said as tears ran down his face. "Just calm down,"

He said in that soothing voice.

I stopped getting angry and the sparks calmed down, 'that's right, I can't hurt him, I can't hurt my brother.'

"One day, you will see the sun."

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