Chapter 15 - Cold

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Aizawa POV

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" The intercom was buzzing like mad as I ran down from the faculty to the main entrance.

Why are intruders here? Don't they know this is THE UA hero school? Ugh... why did I decide to do late work today.

Wait a second.

If intruders are here, that would mean they want something from here, a powerful thing that would make them bluntly break into the school.

What was it?...

A surge of guilt rapidly overwhelmed my legs, "IZUKU AND ERI!" I yelled as I ran to their dorms as fast as I could.

What am I doing! I'm their guardian for god's sake!

As I approached their building, I saw way too much light for a night.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" was the scream I heard as the building was erupting with green flames.

I needed to find him to stop his quirk, but I wouldn't survive running through the flames overflowing from the doors!

"Aizawa what is happening?!" I turn to see Mirio and Nejire still in their pajamas.

"Explanations later! We need to get through to Izuku first!" I responded. "How am I doing this..." I said as the heat was starting to get to my skin when I approached.

"Aizawa!" yelled Nejire, "Mirio can use his quirk to go through and try to find Izuku, you should look around the building to see if you can see him!" I nodded to signify I agreed with the plan and Mirio's clothing went off as he slipped through the doors.

I went from the right side, since I knew this was the bedroom area, and looked through the windows at every angle to see if I could find anything past the roaring flames.

They weren't burning physical objects, but they were affecting living organisms since I could feel the warmth.


I heard the sound and immediately sprinted to the origins of it, there I saw what seemed like a sideways erupting volcano as there was a massive hole in the wall.

Gritting my teeth I jumped in and immediately used my quirk, and all the flames vanished.

In front of me was a crying Izuku and a comforting Mirio.

As I got closer Izuku was crying his eyes out, "NO! NO! I can't lose her! I have to save her! I need to find her!" he said with a mix of anger, frustration, and sorrow.

"Izuku..." I tried to talk.

"She can't be gone! She was supposed to be free! I was supposed to be gone!"

I gave up on the approach and just yelled, "IZUKU!"


"Calm down, we have a tracker," I said.

"A- A- A what?" he asked.

"A tracker, some of your clothing have trackers so we wouldn't lose you in case something like this happened," I explained calmly.

Suddenly, Izuku lost his tearful expression and went to take a deadly serious look at me.


Mirio POV

It's the day after the kidnapping... and Izuku changed completely.

He now has a stern face that's just seething with wrath, showing an unparalleled rage that he keeps in.

The kind brother who was compassionate with his sister, despite all his time being tortured, has faded away into this cold and heartless looking person, patiently waiting on his time to strike.

The planned raid for the tracked location of Eri is at an abandoned small building, it's planned to immediately happen this midnight. We had to allow Izuku to come because otherwise, he was probably going to burn down the entire school.

Since Aizawa still is a teacher, I took some of my free periods to watch Izuku during his quirk training. Just checking up to make sure I could respond to any incidents that might happen.

As I was watching him move around, I noticed that he was moving... very fast?

"Hey, Izuku!" I tried to grab his attention.

"What?" he responded with a blunt tone.

"I just wanted to ask... how did you get that fast? You've gotten far faster since last time," I asked.

"Oh. Well, my quirk can change what it affects, and all I need to do is imagine it. So I've come up with a small grenade that has a higher shock output, with the added rule that it doesn't harm living beings," he explained.

He then made a ball appear in his hand, "this is the grenade, even if it doesn't look like it, it just needs the functionality of it," he then put the ball under his foot, "then I just need to constantly conjure and detonate them to propulse myself forward," he finished and then gave a demonstration.

Izuku gets into position and then with a small light under his foot, dashes at insane speed to the other sides of the gym. "Now I'm practicing to make it easier to do, so reducing the amount of focus I need for it."

I was awestruck at what Izuku was talking about, I would have never thought to use a quirk in that sense, "did that answer your question?" he asked. "Y-Yes," I responded, "ok, then I'm going to go back to practicing."

"Hey, Izuku?"

I turn to the originator of the voice, turning it out to be Uraraka and Bakugo.

"What is it?" responded Izuku.

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