Chapter 2 - Kidnapped

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Inko POV

"HUH?" I yelled as all I saw were three figures with beaks. As the dust settled, one with a green vest and purple fluff spoke up.

"This is the Midoriya residence. Yes?"

The man slowly approached me, and all I could do was stand in fear.

"Your son has a powerful quirk, I need him for my plans, therefore you need to disappear," he said as he approached me slowly with his hand.

'No NO! I can't let them capture Izuku! But... if I resist... they will just use me to get him to come...' I thought to myself as his hand almost touched me. 'It will be better for me to die here... but I do need to leave a message. . .  I'll do this'

At that moment, I made some quick jolts with both my hands to not look suspicious and let him place his hand on my forehead.

'You have now been cured of your disease, soon enough everyone else will' was the last thing I heard. I felt my consciousness drifting, as my whole soul felt like it was torn to pieces, was it the man's quirk? No matter what, I've left behind my message, I just need to pray that someone will see it.

"Please be safe Izuku..."

Izuku POV

I woke up to a loud noise, something was wrong.

I walked down the stairs as I noticed there was far too much moonlight for our house. I turned the corner and saw a horrifying scene.

3 men with plague masks, with one pulling his hand back from a set of clothes on the floor.

"Oh good, he came straight to us," said one with a white coat.

'What the hell is happening? Was that mom? Where is mom? Why are her clothes on the floor? Who are these people?' I thought to myself trying to understand the situation. Before I could fully realize it, I was knocked unconscious.

Fast forward a couple of hours

I woke up to a tight pulling sensation. I jolt my eyes open to see myself strapped to a chair, unable to move.

"Huh... huh?- GARGHULP" I tried to speak, but as soon as I opened my mouth, a tube went straight down my throat.

"Izuku Midoriya, son of Inko Midoriya and talented blacksmith Hisashi Midoriya," said a golden-eyed man with brown hair. 'GHU SOMETHING IS GOING INSIDE MY LUNGS' my body painfully told me.

"Quirk: Flame forge, Allows the user to conjure weapons made out of green flames powered by the user's breath. No known weakness," the man continued.

"Overhaul, the boy is ready," said the hooded man, so the golden-eye is called Overhaul.

"You're going to make us grenades, as many as you can," he said coldly after closing a bottle of... O₂?

Isn't pure oxygen dangerous? I start to panic as my quirk starts making swords, chains, hammers, and even knives, which all disappeared after a short time.

"Gre.Nade." Said Overhaul while staring me dead in the eyes. I continue to panic and make more random weapons faster.

"GRENADE!" he yelled out as he picked up one of the knives before it disappeared and stabbed my hand.

'AHHHHHHHHH!' I internally yell in pain as I couldn't speak with a tube in my windpipe.

After a couple of seconds of silence and bleeding, a grenade appeared in my other hand.

"Good, now let's test it," he said before walking out of the room.

Some time passes

I managed to somehow get used to the giant tube being stuck in my mouth, I then heard the door creaking.

As Overhaul and his lackey went there, I saw that they were covered in dust. "Filthy, but it was better than expected," said Overhaul.

"Now brat," he said as he put his hand on my arm pressing hard, earning a squeal of pain from me.

"You're going to be a weapons factory to cure this world," he continued.

'What a lie...' I thought to myself, 'what kind of savior does this to a 7-year-old... AGHHHH!!' The oxygen was turned back open.

I didn't want to be stabbed again, so I tried my best to only make grenades, although with one problem.

"Why do they keep disappearing?" said Overhaul in a slightly angry tone. He then slowly turned to me, which made chills run down my spine.

"Alright then, let's play a little game," he said coldly. 

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