Chapter 4 - Torture

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Tsukauchi POV

A curious incident, far more unique than anything in my career so far.

"Detective! You need to come over and see this," said an officer. "Understood! I'll be right there!" I responded, "Would you mind if I joined you?" asked the mom of the victim's friend.

I turned to her, "One of the victims I knew since high school, and the other is one of the closest friends to my son, I also want to know what happened here," she said. I thought about it and responded.

"Sure, just make sure not to touch anything." She jumped slightly and followed me through the rubble.

"Detective, our lense-quirk user, found that the clothes that were left behind contained so many dead skin cells, that it was as if it was never off the person" reported the officer.

"Interesting, usually all of those would be flung off as you take off your clothing," I said scratching my chin.

In incidents like these, we typically find some skin cells on the edges of the clothes. Since some stay on after you take the clothes off. If there are a lot of skin cells, then that would mean that the person had just vanished without their clothes.

How did this happen...

"Could it be that she was... disintegrated? While still clothed?" the woman asked.

I opened my eyes and said, "as of now, that is the most possible scenario."

I could tell she was sad but also very angry at the situation. That anger will probably help us do this, and she would benefit emotionally from it as well.

"We can file the murder later, a search party has to be established for the missing kid," I said. "Would you like to join us?" I asked her.


Izuku POV

"Alright then, let's play a little game"

"If you say anything to Nemoto after he asks a question, then there will be punishment"

As Overhaul said that, a black hooded man with a plague mask came through the door. "Now Nemoto, ask your question," Overhaul ordered.

'Seems pretty easy,' I thought to myself, 'I can already barely let out a sound'

"Who are your friends?" he asked, I was ready to close my mouth when "Ochaco and Kacchan" came out of my mouth.

"Oh no, it seems like you answered his question, well you know what happens," said Overhaul.

I'm trembling in fear, how could I answer his question? I was sure I kept my mouth shut.

He came up with a scalpel and slowly cut a wound on my arm.

I screamed in pain.

A couple of minutes later

I couldn't take it anymore, I'd been torn open and shut closed in nearly every part of my body, I then felt a running stream down my legs.

I looked to see a red line making a pool on the floor, I was bleeding out.

Overhaul was busy cleaning some blood that got on his arm and was leaving me hanging, I was going to die of blood loss.

What can I do?

I then had an idea, in one of my biology classes, I saw that you could treat a wound with fire to stop the bleeding, it was called cauterization.

I grit my teeth and focus on my chest with the open wound, and smelt sizzling. I felt immediate pain but it was to be expected, I continued until the red flow stopped. Leaving a black mark.

Overhauled looked at me and let out a disappointing sigh. I tried to look at myself mentally, cut marks basically everywhere, blood marks on my clothes, red marks from the grips of the belts on my hands and legs with some wounds being cauterized by my own flames so I wouldn't die of blood loss.

"Take him away Chronostasis," said Overhaul.

The white hooded man who was called Chronostasis took the tube out of my mouth, which let me breathe a sigh of relief.

"To assist the future boss, prepare yourself for the future," said Chronostasis as he dragged me by the neck along the hallway.

I tried to let out a sound, but my lungs refused to do anything but long breaths.

"You're going to teach yourself how to stop them from disappearing, or we will continue playing the game," he continued.

I felt my lungs going into a panic attack, were they going to play that game again? No... no, I can't take it.

Won't someone save me?


Won't anyone?

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