chapter 12

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Regulus entered his room with the surprising sight of Octavia sleeping peacefully in his bed. He looked shocked and stayed frozen in place for a moment. The boy walked to the bed and noticed she had let her ginger hair down which was now covering a part of her face. She looked like she was sleeping deeply and so he chose to not disturb her.

Her family only left the house without a word. Regulus slept in his brother's bed for the first time since he had ran away. He couldn't even remember why his stupid-fourteen-years-old self had done that. He was such a stupid boy. Had he changed? Regulus felt less stupid but he felt like an idiot after what he said to Octavia. She didn't want anything to do with him, how could he expect her to agree.

This night wasn't a good night for Regulus. He was awaken by pestering thoughts about the girl sleeping in the room next door and about the boy who used to sleep in this bed.

When he got up to eat breakfast, it was no surprise to see Octavia was still sleeping. He figured out she was the type to wake up late, considering the amount of times she arrived late in class in the past six years.

Kreacher prepared up some waffles and orange juice and brought them up to Regulus' room for Octavia when she would wake up. The boy paid no mind to her, and just sat at his desk, working on his holidays homework.

"Where am I?" grunted a half-asleep voice that made Regulus' head spin in the direction of the girl.

"My bedroom. Good morning."

Her blue eyes slowly fell on the person who had just spoken up and realized with shock it was Regulus.

"What are you doing here- Wait no, what am I doing here?" asked the girl, straightening up and noticing she was still wearing her fancy dress under the blanket.

"You fell asleep. In my bed. There's breakfast next to you," he only answered, focusing on his Charms book.

The girl eyed the waffles on the bedside table and felt suddenly hungry. She started eating while glancing at Regulus from time to time.

And when she finished, she didn't waste more time before leaving the house, returning to her own.

That night again Regulus couldn't sleep. He was turning around in his bed, but no matter on what side he was, it smelled like her. Her perfume had impregnated the bed sheets. It wasn't that strong, but Regulus felt drunken by the scent.

It was only a matter of days before Hogwarts started again, making Octavia excited. It was the sixth year already but she couldn't stop being impatient and excited for a new year at Hogwarts. She loved this place more than her own house, she loved the people there more than her own family and she liked better attending classes than attending dinners with her parents where she just wanted to hex the hosts because of their manners, attitudes, and disrespect. The more days approached, the more her true, authentic side was showing again.

She was so happy to see her friends again even if she had met them during the holidays. Octavia felt the best with those three, there was no one understanding her better than them.

"It feels like forever," said Lilah. "These holidays were so horrible."

"Not for me," answered Jaden, a smug look on his face.

"Stop this you git! Not everyone was sun-basking on American beaches," grunted Zephyr by his side.

"Next year. I'll invite you all don't worry guys," he laughed.

"Have you two caught up with your boys? I'm honestly surprised you're still dating, how long has it been already?"

"One year, three months," answered proudly Octavia.

"Are you telling me Maximilian has been bearing you for over a year? Poor guy!" exclaimed Jaden.

"I know, I'm impressed myself," suddenly said Maximilian's voice, surprising them all. He had just appeared in front of King's Cross station where they were all waiting for the time to go.

"You're so mean!" exclaimed Octavia, sending him an irritated glare.

"It was a joke. Don't you know my humor," he laughed putting her in a hug, earning disgusted noises from the two other boys.

"It's high time you two get yourself someone to date," muttered Lilah next to them.

"I found so many pretty girls in Louisiana. They all wanted me," said Jaden, not hiding his pride.

"Really? You should have brought me!" answered Zephyr.

"He's lying Zephyr. Don't believe him," told him the blonde girl.

All together they entered the station as the train would depart in a few minutes. It was crowded by Muggles as always, and platform 9 ¾ was just as crowded. The person Octavia noticed first was Regulus, who looked like he had arrived just before them. They looked at each other for a moment before she walked away with the others.

Regulus hadn't left her mind for the last days of holidays. His words especially. She felt guilty because she had even forgotten her boyfriend with all the things she had in mind.

During the ride. when Octavia, Lilah, Zephyr and Jaden were reunited again, they started telling each other about their holidays, with Jaden especially detailing the Death Eater ceremony, with the new members and the old ones that were present. Lilah and Octavia's elder brothers were obviously there. He showed them the mark for a second and Octavia felt uneasy, and disgusted. Two years prior, when Evan got his, he refused to show it to Octavia.

During dinner, Octavia and her friends caught up as well with some of their classmates. They might share different opinions, it couldn't prevent them from being friendly. Most Slytherins were from pureblood families that shared the same awful views regarding the society, so they weren't much different in the end.

Octavia felt good to be back. The food was delicious and she could eat as much as she wanted and be sure she wouldn't get remarks from her mother. She was away from her parents and life couldn't be better. However she couldn't feel at peace as Regulus Black kept on throwing glances at her from another side of the table. The girl looked up at him, an interrogating look on her face but he just averted his gaze. 'Stupid jerk' she thought, going back to her meal.

The boy had something to tell her obviously but he waited until everyone was back into the common room.

"Octavia, can I tell you something?" he asked as she was about to go up to her dorms.

She turned around and faced him, preventing herself from looking too irritated.

"Go ahead."

Before he even started he grabbed her arm to lead her in a corner of the common room, far from anyone. He then stopped and stayed close to her to be sure nobody would hear them.

"Have you thought about what I said?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Octavia stared up at up at him and he looked curiously in her sky blue eyes, searching for an answer.



"Nothing. What do you want me to say? How am I supposed to agree or disagree to something like this?"

"Hm. I don't know what else to do."

"I don't know neither..."

She started to leave but looked one last time at him before. He seemed deep in reflection.

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