chapter 7

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Another Quidditch match had been planned for the next month, which was Slytherin's last match of the year. And also Felix's first match. On Friday, after classes, practice was set for the Slytherins and Felix had asked both his sister and brother to come see him. She met with Evan in the common room and they walked out together.

"You're late," was the first thing he said as she approached.

"No, you were just early," she told him, pushing him away in a teasing manner

He huffed and stayed quiet afterward, walking outside with his sister following behind. When they went outside school, the wind was blowing onto their faces, and a shiver ran down Octavia's back.

"It's freezing," she muttered.

It was the end of March, the snow had melt and the temperature had gone up but it went almost unnoticed to Octavia. 

They walked together to the pitch, and went to sit in the bleachers. Felix was up already with his teammates. He waved at his siblings from where he was and they waved back.

"It's not that bad being engaged to Regulus Black in the end," spoke up Evan while nudging his sister with a teasing grin.

"It's awful but I admit he did good convincing Flint to let Felix play tomorrow. But Zephyr and Ivanna were there too."

"Anyway, when will you start studying?"

"Hmmm.... around June I guess."

The ginger-haired boy burst out laughing at her words.

"As expected from you."

"We both know I'll pass anyway," she told him with a smug look while shrugging nonchalantly.

"The folks won't be happy... But I know you don't care," he chuckled.


He loved to see her so insouciant. She wasn't being immature, only insouciant. She grew up to realize that whatever she would do or not, it wouldn't mean anything. She didn't like school, she didn't like working and studying for exams wouldn't bring her anything, not even satisfaction, she only needed to pass but she knew it was meaningless as well.

Octavia cheered loudly for her little brother whenever he would prevent chasers from scoring. Zephyr was going mad, realizing how much he had improved, meaning he had a hard time scoring but it was a good sign for the future of their team.

Towards the end, Felix flew through the pitch to talk with Evan and Octavia.

"You saw me? I was good, wasn't I?" asked the younger boy.

"Felix you did way better than Crabbe! Right Evan?"

"Yes, you were really good," replied the eldest.

"Octavia, you wanna fly for a while before practice ends? The others said they wanted to do more passes."

"Yes, okay."

"Are you sure she won't make you fall with her fat arse?" said a voice from behind once Octavia was up.

The girl turned around and glared at him.

"That's why I didn't ask you," answered Felix, an innocent smile plastered on his face which made Octavia laugh loudly.

He got closer so she could climb up behind him. As she did, another broom came to fly by their side.

"Wanna come for a ride Rosier?" asked Austin Wilkes, one of the chasers that was also Evan's classmate. He had an amused smile on his face.

"Fuck off Wilkes," chuckled Evan.

"Bye losers," said Octavia as Felix flew off in the air.

She grabbed at his waist to make sure she wouldn't fall.

"Go faster, I'm not afraid," she told her brother.

"Okay, but don't go crying after because we're too high or going too fast."

"No way, you know me-" she had barely finished her sentence that her scream resonated in the air. Felix was flying crazily in all directions, obviously laughing evilly. They couldn't see it but Evan as well as a few others like Zephyr and Austin Wilkes were laughing at the sight.

It took a while before Felix stopped his acrobatics to fly normally again. Octavia felt relieved. Her hand went to pat her head and she noticed her hair was a mess, making her groan internally. Suddenly Felix went to a stop and she had to grab him more tightly.

"Look where you're going Rosier," said Regulus Black's voice.

"I will, sorry," quickly answered Felix to his older teammate.

Octavia angled her head above her brother's shoulder and frowned when her eyes fell on Regulus.

"You should look where you're going," she told him.

He looked at her in a bored manner before furrowing his brows as well.

"Are you implying I was the one behaving stupidly and not looking where I was going?"

"Kill-joy hm," only muttered the girl.

"Your hair is a mess by the way," he told her teasingly before flying away.

"Ugh he's so annoying," huffed the girl and Felix starting flying as well, a sad smile on his face as he knew how much his sister disliked Regulus Black.

The next day they were back onto the pitch and the match this time was Slytherin vs Ravenclaw. Octavia decided to watch it with Evan since it was Felix's first match. When the players went up in the air, she was surprised to discover a familiar face.

"I know the Ravenclaw seeker. Her name's Rumi Blaine, we're classmates. I didn't know she was into Quidditch, she must be starting," she said, pointing to the girl.

"If you're not a friend, it's normal if you didn't know. We aren't usually friends with Ravenclaws," only replied her brother and she hummed.

Unlike Octavia, her brothers were pretty much following their parents' rules and views, that was why they were Slytherins as well but the girl would consider them better than some of her housemates. They just didn't care about other houses and other blood status, and would just stay away from them.

They focused on the match afterwards. The Slytherin team was in much better condition than the last time. And for once, Octavia cheered for her house. Her brother was doing so well, it was really impressive how much he had improved.

The match solved itself by Slytherin's victory. It was their third match of the year which meant they wouldn't get to win the Quidditch cup but at least they weren't last in the ranking.

For the rest of the day, most students had planned a visit of Hogsmeade. But before going, Octavia had some words to tell her younger brother.

"Felix! Wait up!" she told him when she spot him in the common room. "The team's going for a drink at the Three Broomsticks later right? Are you going too?"

"Yeah, the older guys told me how to take some pass-ways," replied the boy, looking almost proud.

"You better not get caught! And don't let anyone offer you a drink, you know your teammates better than I do and we can't trust those jerks. Not even Zephyr."

The boy laughed at her words, not even surprised by her warning. "Don't worry, I'll only drink a butterbeer."

"If you want, I'll keep an eye on him."

Octavia looked up hearing the voice and faced Regulus Black.

"No need to! I'm old enough to know what to do or not!" exclaimed the younger boy and both Octavia and Regulus looked down at him, though he wasn't much smaller than her.

"Thirteen isn't old enough no. People are stupid at thirteen. Even at sixteen they are, right Octavia?" said the boy, surprisingly sounding mature and she only nodded in agreement. "Wait for another year and I'll let you drink Firewhisky."

The girl widened her blue eyes at the words and went to slap the boy's arm in a joking manner even though her expression looked offended. Felix in the meantime was just laughing.

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