chapter 11

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When Octavia got tired and when the atmosphere got too overwhelming, she escaped into the garden to take some fresh air. It was really calming to be outside. Zephyr and Lilah joined her after a few moments.

"Are you okay Octavia? I brought you something to drink," said Lilah, handing her a glass of water.

"Thanks. I'm fine don't worry," answered the girl, taking a sip she hoped would be refreshing.

"So... you just danced with Regulus Black?" asked the boy, looking rather confused.

"Yeah. My mother came up with that brillant idea. It was so annoying..." she muttered through greeted teeth.

"You didn't look at ease..." added the girl.

"I really hate him this jerk!" she said, the anger making her boil from the inside. Before she could take control of her emotions, the glass in her hand had exploded. She watched as the remaining pieces of glass fell into the grass, the two others watching it too.

"What did he say to make you this angry?" asked again Zephyr.

"I think what angered me the most is when he talked about Jaden... Regulus is a Death Eater too... He seemed confused as to why I was finding him disgusting and not Jaden..."

"I don't think it's as obvious for Jaden. He will say 'yes' without complaining unlike us, but he really feels annoyed now that he has to bear this."

"Anyway, I should just forget this."

"Let's go back. I left Ivanna by the champagne table..." sighed Lilah, making the two laugh.

The party continued and Octavia tried to stay by Zephyr and Lilah's side, where she felt the most at ease. She was hiding rather well from her mother and Walburga Black. Regulus didn't talk more with her for the rest of the night and she felt relieved.

The next day, the girl received a letter from her friend Jaden off to America for holidays. Like he promised he even sent photos of the beach. Octavia felt amazed as she admired the photos, where the waves were slowly rolling. She wanted to go there one day where there was nothing except the ocean.

The ginger-haired girl spent the next days visiting relatives and acquittances with her parents when asked for it, attending fancy dinners with people she didn't always know about and she most importantly spent her time dreaming about the ocean and this beach, far from her household, far from responsibilities, far from a future getting closer and closer.

By mid-August, the Blacks inevitably invited the Rosiers for dinner. Another reason why she hated holidays so much. She was supposed to be resting but instead everything made her physically and mentally drained. Another evening and another night spent filling shallow conversations, forcing her smile to stay plastered on her face, no matter how much her cheeks hurt. No tranquility for her again.

"Octavia. I don't want to be late by your fault, you know how's Walburga Black," uttered Gabrielle as she walked past the girl's bedroom door.

The girl was looking through her multiple dresses to find one for the night, and hearing that made her roll her eyes in an irritated manner. You're no better, Mother.

Finding a satin purple-plum dress, she chose this one to wear. She also decided to tie her hair up in a ponytail with the same red ribbon from last time, letting a few strands falling around her face. She remembered Regulus' words from last time, when he said she looked better with her hair down and it made her smile in satisfaction.

They arrived right on time. Octavia had been rushed out of her bedroom and she barely had  time to wear her makeup and perfume. She had to hide the blue circles underneath her eyes created by all the dinners she had attended this past month.

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