The Unorthodox Life of Aaliyah Kaye Marx (5)

Start from the beginning

I scowled darkly at him, "Growing OUT." I muttered.

He chuckled, reaching forward with his fork again.

I let out a piercing scream, startling him and jumped off the counter, dashing out the kitchen door. I shovelled lasagne into my mouth as I ran, and let me tell you, it is REALLY hard to eat and run at the same time.

I winged open the front door and dashed out onto my lawn where I was tackled. I clutched the dish to my chest and rolled, he had used too much force and ended up springing over me. I got to my feet, Lasagne intact and still clutched to my chest as if it were a lifeline or small baby. I glared at the twin, not sure which one it was. He smiled back at me, amusement and mischief dancing in his sparkling grey eyes.

He stepped forward and grabbed the dish, attempting to yank it away from me, we circled each other, both of us pulling the dish back and forth trying to wrestle it from the others grip. I was vaguely aware of cars passing by behind me, I didn't know them - who cares if they thought I was crazy? I'm sure Californian people were used to seeing crazy rockstars fighting over Lasagne with innocent girls on their fronts lawns every day. That's Hollywood for ya, baby.

"Let go of my Lasagne!" I screamed at him, outraged.

"Give me some MORE!" He yelled back.

I was facing the house now and he growled, tugging sharply, I almost lost my balance. I pulled back as hard as I could - one look at his face and I knew what he was going to do, just before it happened, and by then I was too late to stop myself, the momentum carrying me forward.

Just as I pulled back ... he let go, laughing. The dish flew out of my grip and I heard a deafening crash and a screech of brakes. I could smell rubber burning against the asphalt. Oh shit. The twins mouth dropped open and he gulped. I slowly turned around.

The dish had flown out of my hands and hit a passing car, splattering on the windscreen and cracking it ... causing the driver to skid and crash into a parked car. We both looked on in horror as the door of the drivers car swung open revealing a very pissed off man. He looked young, in his early thirties maybe. He had a gash on his forehead which was oozing blood. I gulped, feeling the twin at my shoulder. I watched as the guy pulled out his cell and dialled the police. Yet again, Ali Marx finds herself up shit creak without a paddle, but this time it seemed like she had company.


"It's MY mouse!" I screamed.

"I found it! Finder's keepers, Looser's weepers!" Kaden yelled back. Turns out it was Kaden who was once again my partner in crime.

I held the dead mouse high up away from him as he scrabbled to get it back from me.


"I need it to put in Danny's bed!"

"Yeah well I NEED IT FOR-"

"Would you two shut the HELL up?!" Officer Gilroy roared, making us both jump.

I glared at him. "If you hadn't given me a cell with THAT then maybe this wouldn't be happening!" I said angrily, pocketing the mouse while Kaden wasn't looking.

I watched as Gilroy turned red, he glared at me.

"There is ONLY one cell! It's just a holding cell - we're not a real prison!" I huffed and crossed my arms, sitting back against the hard concrete wall.

I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Our Mom's had already been in - My Mom had persuaded Tanya to not grant us bail for at least a day so we would 'learn our lesson'. Let me ask you, how is spending the day in a cell a punishment? I eat, I sleep, I eat, I sleep, I annoy Kaden. What more can a girl ask for? Kaden walked over to the bunk on the wall, stretching.

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