The Unorthodox Life of Aaliyah Kaye Marx (8)

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    I sat on the dock - swinging my feet and simply staring out at the ocean spread out before me and tickling the lavender horizon.

The sun was going down and a chill breeze swept across the waves - rustling my hair with it's gentle caress. I sighed and stared down into the churning water beneath my feet. I couldn't face going back to the house.

Back to Jessica, Jay, Danny ... or Kaden. How could none of them have told me? I mean this is pretty big - them all being werewolves. I sighed again and looked up when I felt a drop of water fall against my cheek.

I had walked out earlier - without letting Jessica or any of the others explain. Simply dropped from my window into those damned rose bushes and ran to the beach. My mind couldn't grasp the fact of ... Werewolves. I tried - I've been sitting looking out at the waves for over an hour now and ... I just don't get it? How can ANYONE turn into a wolf? It's not possible - it shouldn't be possible. So WHY was it possible!?

I sighed and pulled my box of cigs out of my bra. I lit up and pulled deeply. I was starving but I didn't want to go back to the house. I didn't want to ever go back to the house.

The rain started to lash down and I held my hand over my fag to stop it going out. I shoved the box with just three left, down my bra so they wouldn't get ruined, and sat there and listened. Not thinking. Just observing. Completely numb.

My own brother. Some sort of freak. What about Ty? Was he a werewolf too? He did a good job of hiding it if he was. That's when it dawned on me. Jessica was a werewolf - that meant girls could be werewolves ... Was I a werewolf?

Surely I would have shown signs of being a werewolf already. I couldn't be. I didn't feel any different than I normally did. I've never done or changed into anything out of the ordinary. The only thing NOT normal about me was my sleeping patterns- but they've never been normal.

I lay down sideways, staring out at the waves. I was lying as close as I could possibly get to the edge without falling in. Teetering on the damp wood. It pressed against my face and I inhaled the salty wooden smell and closed my eyes.

Just thinking. Where would I go? I didn't want to go back to a house of freaks. I loved my brothers but ... THEY WERE WEREWOLVES. And Mom ... Did Mom know? Was I over-thinking this? None of my family would ever hurt me. Jay was TOO protective if anything. Could I over-look this? I probably could.

But the more important question was would I?


When I awoke it was still raining - storming actually. Lightning forked across the pitch black sky and I shivered. I was so cold. I must have fallen asleep on the dock. I sat up, looking out of the roiling black mass that had been a cool blue only hours before.

It was too cold to stay here. I had to go home. I started to get up, my back aching. The wind blew ferociously around me, threatening to sweep my feet from under me. I swayed and held my head in my hands for a few seconds. Drowning out the sounds of the storm around me. It was so cold, I was drenched to the bone and I felt seriously dizzy.

I trudged towards the beach, perilously close to the edge of the dock. If I fell off I would be lost to the raging water below.

I staggered home slowly. Not really wanting to go, but having no where else I would freeze if I didn't go there. The wind whipped my hair around me, it slapped against my face and when I reached up to touch my face I realised it had drawn blood.

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