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Alex's POV:
- Saturday Night.-
We're supposed to be out having a good time but I keep checking my phone waiting for you or Casey to text me.
"Hey you okay?" Emma asked me. I put my phone down and smile nodding my
Head yes. Emma asked if we could get drinks after our meetings and with everything going on at home I needed a break. The club is loud, bodies everywhere, and the shots are strong.
"Do you wanna dance?" Emma asked looking over to me.
"No, I don't dance. But I think that guy over there might want to dance with you." I tell her pointing at the handsome man across the bar. Emma chuckles and shakes her head.
"He's not my type."
"Okay so what's your type?" I ask looking around the club.
"Blondes. And female. " Emma says Twirling her straw in her drink. I let out a nervous laugh. Maybe this wasn't a good idea I think to myself.
"Hey. I'm kidding. Let's have fun. You gotta loosen up a little Cabot." I laugh at her as I down my drink. Two shots turned into four shots, and once dance turned into ten. Next thing I know Emma and I are tumbling down the hallway to our bedrooms. I struggle to put in the key card laughing at myself. Emma laughs taking it from me and opening the door. Opening up the door I head straight for the bed. I close my eyes groaning as my body starts to relax. I feel a hang on thigh moving higher and higher. I let a small moan my body quickly responding. I feel soft lips against my own. I melt into the kiss momentarily forgetting where I am or who I'm with. My eyes shoot open and I push the body off of me.
"What the hell?" I scream towards Emma. "What? What did I do?" She asks splurging her words.
"You kissed me! I'm in a relationship Emma! With Casey! I'm your boss! Are you insane?" "I'm sorry. I just thought..."
"What?! That I'd fuck you? Didn't y/n tell you that I was with Casey? Hell didn't I tell you? Why would you think this is okay??" I ask not really expecting a answer.
"I'm sorry. I just like you so much. You're so hot and smart. I just thought maybe if we spent time together you'd see that we could work." She tells me. I stare at her in disbelief. "Emma, you're an excellent lawyer. We work well together. However, this isn't going happen. I am in a committed relationship so whatever expectations you had you need to adjust them. If this happens again or if I hear that you spoke about me in a inappropriate manner I will replace you." I tell her keeping my voice stern and my face cold. I want her to understand that I mean what I say. "Do you understand me?" I asked. Emma looks up at me with fresh tears in her eyes. "Yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She nods her head.
"Thank you for helping me back to my room. You should head back to your room we have a long day tomorrow. " I tell her opening the door in my room for her to exit. The girl hugs her arms around her as she walks out. I close the door behind me with a sigh. You were right Emma had a crush and she's completely inappropriate.

My body hits the bed and the next thing I know it's morning.
The sun is blinding me and my head spins as I try to move. Looking over at the clock I realize I woke up late and extremely hung over. I reach for my phone on the nightstand trying to adjust my eyes as I unlock it.
I notice have a lot of missed calls and five voicemails. I hit the first voicemail and listen.
"Alex, I'm taking y/n to the er. She's been complaining all week about her side but this morning she woke up in tears and a fever. Please call me back. I love you."
"Hey Alex it's Emma. Where are you? I know I was out of line last night but we have several meetings today. Please call me back."
"Hey, Alex I know you're busy but I could use the sound of your voice right now. Y/n is really sick and they think they're going to have to take her into surgery. They're thinking it's her appendix. Call me back."
By her third message Casey is sobbing into the phone.
"Alex. Answer you phone damnit I need you. Please come home."
The next message is from Olivia.
"Hey Alex it's Liv. Casey is in bad shape. She's pretty upset. I'm here with her now. But she's could really use you right now. Call me back."
I shot up out of bed looking around for my clothes. Putting my phone to my ear I call Emma first.
"Alex! Where are you?!"
"There's a family emergency at home I have to go. Tell Jack you had to do the meetings alone and I'll call him later to fill him in."
"Wait. Alex?" I end the call running around the room getting my things together.
I run out the door without a second thought. I got on a flight to head home.

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