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Casey's POV:

I'm sitting in my office going over some files when you come storming in slamming the door behind you. The sudden noise caused me to jump as I look up to see your face red as a tomato.
"Ughh! I can't stand that girl!" You huff slamming yourself down in the chair in front of my desk.
"What girl?" I asked confused for a moment still trying to keep up.
"Emma." You roll your eyes. I snort shaking my head at your statement.
"Yeah that girl is a piece of work."
"She literally talks about Alex all day long. I told her that y'all were together weeks ago. It's like she doesn't even care."
"Alex is so pretty. Alex is so hot. I bet she's wild in bed. All that aggression has to come out somewhere. Blah. Blah. Blah." I laugh watching you mock Emma.
"I'm going to punch this bitch in her face Casey I mean it!" I laugh out loud at that one knowing damn well you would.
"Well before we do that. Let's talk to Alex about it and see what she says." You roll your eyes.
"Alex is oblivious. It's like she doesn't know she's stupid hot and everyone wants to fuck her!"
"Yeah it's really annoying isn't it."
"Casey!" You whine. I smile moving out of my chair to sit on the desk in front of you.
"Honey, Alex loves us. She would never do something to hurt us like that. Emma clearly has a crush and Alex needs to set boundaries with her. As for what she's saying I'll gladly let her know that it is highly inappropriate to talk about her boss in such manner."
You laugh "yeah meanwhile I'm fucking said boss."
I laugh with you nodding my head.
"Yeah it seems that we are the chosen ones my dear."
That makes you smile and I'm happy that your mood seems to shift.
"We will talk to Alex about it tonight okay?"
"Okay." You sigh. I pull you up out of the chair causing a shriek followed by giggles as I pull you in closer for a kiss.
"I love you." I whispered against your lips. I can feel you smile as you speak "I love you too." 
"Alright, now go make nice with Malibu Barbie." I chuckle as you head towards the door.
"Casey Novak ladies and gentlemen lawyer by day comedian by night." You say before walking out the office. I shake my head laughing.

Later that night...

"You could of ruined this case Y/n do you get that?" Alex is screaming at you as you walk into our home.  The yelling alerted me so I  decided to walk into the living room to see what was going on.

" I wasn't trying too. I'm telling you this will work if you just give me a chance Alex!"

"No! This is my case and we're doing things my way!"

"Seriously Alex! Maybe if we went with my idea in the first place we wouldn't be here. Ever thought of that!"

The look on Alex's face turns to stone and she towers over you. I pick this time to get into the middle of y'all.
"Okay, guys don't we have a rule about not bringing work home?" I ask them.
"Ask Alex! She's the boss remember." You say as you glare Alex's way.
"You're absolutely right y/n I am the boss. And if you know what's good for you you'll do as I say."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really."
"Okay, guys what happened?" I asked still in the middle of you two.
"Alex never listens to me or even gives me a chance to be right. She completely dismissed me in the meeting and sided with Emma. "
"Your right I did side with Emma because she was right! You're not a the level that we are and you better check your place. And this childish drama with Emma ends here! The nickname, the glares, the down right disrespect of your superior. It ends now." Alex yells.
"Did you call me child?"
"Yes I did.  And if you keep acting like one I'm going to treat you as such. I'll replace you! Don't try me!"

I watch your face drop at her words. "Alex!" I scream towards her way with a look of disbelief. I look back at you tears growing in your eyes. You take a steady breath before you speak. "That's fine Alex. Do what you gotta do." You take off upstairs my eyes never leaving your body until you disappeared.
I turn back to look at Alex who has walked off to grab a glass of wine. She's leaning against the counter top as she sips her glass. I silently walk over to her in shock and ask "how dare you?"
"How dare I what? She's being childish Casey. No legal team takes advice from an intern. She questioned me in front of my colleagues."
"I don't care what she did!" I spat cutting Alex's speech off.
"That girl was already feeling insecure about  Emma. That's actually what we were going to talk to you about. Emma has a massive crush on you. She talks to y/n about it almost every day. See, y/n was kind enough to tell Emma that you were in a committed relationship with me. And guess what? Emma still didn't care! I've watched y/n bite her tongue and hold her tears around that girl. Then here you come crushing her entirely. You could of explained to her about the meeting and your choices. However, you chose to play lawyer and hit her where it hurts. You were ruthless, crude, and cold to her. So I'll ask you again how dare you?!" I stare at her tears flowing down my cheeks. Alex is left speechless, her blue eyes flowing like swimming pools at your words.

"I didn't know. I..she didn't tell me that this was happening." Alex tells me stuttering her words.
"Of course you didn't know Alex. You never do." I huff out before I continue.
"But she was going to tell you tonight. We were going to have a nice conversation tell you what was going on and then talk about boundaries and strategies. Now wouldn't that have been better than you verbally abusing her?" I asked sarcastically.

I call tell by the look on her face and the intake of breath she just had she is stunned at my words.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I do this. Why I try to hurt the people I love the most." Alex whispers.

"It's because you're scared those people will hurt you because you love them so much."

"I'm sorry." Alex sobs out. I round the counter to cradle her in my arms. I may be upset with her but I can't bare to watch her breakdown. Alex has been through a lot and she's been hurt a lot. She has come a long way in our relationship but she still has her faults.  Alex has many layers to her you just have to be patient when peeling them back. I hold her while she's sobs my own tears running down my face. I pull back cradling her face in my hands.

"Alexandra I love you with whole heart. I would go to the ends of the earth for you.  But this time you went to far and you were wrong. She didn't deserve that and you know it." I place a small kiss on her lips and head off into the home office. Leaving Alex there with her thoughts and emotions.

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