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Alex's POV:

I wake up the next morning alone in bed. I sigh to myself as I get up to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and you can tell I've been crying all night. Walking downstairs I see you and Casey in the kitchen sipping your coffee and chatting about the paper.

I round the corner into the kitchen Casey sees me and gives me a small smile.
"Good morning honey."
I let out a sigh of relief that she spoke to me. I smile back "good morning babe."  I look over to you giving you a shy smile "good morning my love."  You stare back at me with no emotion what so ever "morning." 
I sighed walking over to make my coffee. I'm trying really hard to keep my cool. I understand you being hurt but you shutting me out makes me crazy. 
"Are we still on for lunch today?" I ask them hopefully.
"Yes, I'll be there." Casey answers. I look over to you waiting for you to respond.
"I'm not sure. I'm supposed to be running flies all day for you and Emma. "
"But you'll have a lunch break like always," I say.
"I think I'll just stay at the office today. I have a lot of work to do and I have to start my project for the end of the internship."
"Okay." I sigh looking over at Casey.
"Well, would you like us to bring you something back my love?"
"No thank you. I've got to go I'll see y'all later." You say grabbing your things and walking out the door. The three of us normally show up together and you didn't even kiss us goodbye. My emotions take over and I let a few tears slip.
"Honey, just give her time. She's still upset and she doesn't know how to handle it." Casey tells me.
"Okay? So why can't she talk to us about it?"
"Oh, she's talking to me about it. You on the other hand well you did tell her she was acting like a child so now she's trying to navigate her feelings without coming across as one to you."
I sighed shaking my head as Casey walks away from me. I've really fucked this up. 

The office was booming today more so than usual. I had court and several meetings that had to take place today. Emma was by my side throughout most of the day. When we came back from court I caught your eyes watching me. As soon as our eyes meet you went back to your work. Soon enough it's time for lunch and I for one am grateful for a moment outside of this office. I stop at your desk before heading out.
"Are you sure you can't come or that you don't want me to bring you something back?"
"No thank you. I haven't been feeling hungry lately." You look up at me giving me the fakest smile I've ever seen from you.
"Y/n please," I whispered.
"Sorry, Alex. You and Casey will have to make the most of it without me today. " you say just before Emma walks up to my side.
"You aren't going to lunch?" She asked confused. I watch you sigh deeply.
"Nah. I'm not hungry plus I'm busy."
"Oh okay, well Alex I wouldn't mind joining you and Casey," Emma says to me smiling. I watch your body tense out of the corner of my eye. I smile at Emma "maybe some other time?" I say hoping that's enough to make her leave. It is she smiles before heading off to the elevator. Casey walks up to me asking if I'm ready to go. I nod looking back at you sitting all alone in the office. Casey smiles at you as were leaving.

Coming back from lunch I feel worse than I did before. I could barely eat. Casey keeps telling me you'll come around eventually but I can't stand for you to be mad at me. When I get back to the office I don't see you at your desk. Walking into my office I see you walking back to your desk with some books and files. You suddenly stop, grabbing at your side huddled over. I walk quickly out of my office to you.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I ask my hand rubbing your back.
"Yeah. I just had a sharp pain It's probably period cramps or something." You tell me trying to regulate your breathing.
"Okay, well if it gets worse tell me and we will go to the hospital."
"I'm sure that won't be necessary." You say shortly.
"Are you at least riding home with me tonight? Casey is going  to check on her mom tonight." 
"Yeah, that's fine. I'll be here when you're ready to go. "
"Okay. I'll be done by 6." I say happily that you agreed to ride with me.

I'm in my last meeting with Emma going over the next couple of weeks and all that we have going on. The girl is talking a mile a minute but I space out hearing none of it. My mind is focused on you and hoping that you'll be ready to talk to me today.
"Alex?" I hear Emma call out to me.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying? " I ask trying to focus myself. She smiles at me giving me a minute to catch up.
"I was asking you about this weekend. The business trip. As you know Jack wants us both to go and he sent over some things we need to address in each meeting."

"Shit! That's this weekend?" I ask her. She nods.
"We talked about it last week remember?"
"Yeah. Okay. Well send me the papers and I'll look over them tonight. We leave Friday right back by Monday morning?"
"That is correct."
"Okay, thanks, Emma. I will get back to you. Shit, I've got to tell Casey. I forgot all about this trip." I groan out forgetting Emma is in the room. I'm mentally stressing out at the thought of telling you or Casey about this. Especially, since we aren't in a good place at the moment.
"I'm sure Casey will understand." Emma smiles.
"Yeah, I'm sure she will." I smile back. As Emma is leaving my office I text Casey telling her I need to talk to the two of you tonight. I guess this means I have to have this conversation with you both tonight.

End of the workday.
Readers POV:

"I'm so ready to go home." I groan out to no one in particular. Unfortunately, I didn't see Emma walking up beside my desk as I spoke.

"Oh, girl me too. Today has been hell," she exclaimed to me. I nod my head in agreement even I can't argue with that statement.

"You know even though this is a work trip I'm looking forward to this weekend. Do you know? Get away from this office for a while. " she tells me.

"You have a work trip this weekend?" I asked hoping that means I'll be free of her for a few days.
"Yeah, Jack asked Alex and me to go. We won't be back until Mondy."
My blood runs cold for a moment. Did she say her and Alex?
"You and Alex? "
"Yeah. Oh, don't worry she said she'd tell Casey about it. So you have nothing to worry about. You know, I think it's so cool that you're so close to them. You must be a really good friend." Emma tells me smiling.
"Yup that's me. A good friend."
"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow bye." She waves before heading off to the elevators.
"Bye," I mumbled trying to keep my tears in.

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