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The three of you went to dinner tonight and now you were cuddling and making out on the couch. While you and Casey had already went to first base you were still hesitant when it comes to Alex. She still hasn't really opened up to you. You allowed them to led you upstairs to the bedroom. Casey kissing you on the way. Casey walking you backwards until the back of your knees collided with the bed causing you to drop down on it. Casey goes in for the attack crawling on top of you sliding you backwards-until your head is laying on the pillows. Alex is behind Casey watching silently. The sensations of Casey's kisses and her hands cause a frenzy in your brain. It's only until feel her hands unbottoning your pants that you are brought back to reality.
"Wait..wait." You stutter sitting up. Casey backs off for a second with a worried expression. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push." She says softly. You tuck your hair behind your ears trying to steady your breathing. "No it's not that. I've never..um. I've never.."  "been with a woman before" Alex cuts you off sharply.

You hang your head  not wanting to see their expressions. "I've never been with anyone." You say quietly.
"What?!" Casey says shock evident in her voice. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Sighed Alex.
"Alex!" Casey yells turning around to meet her gaze.
"What? She's 26 years old. You're seriously telling me you've never had sex." Alex huffs my way.

You move quickly off the bed, the tears welling up in your eyes quickly. You push pass both of them  as Casey tries  to stop you. As you reach the door you turn to face Alex. "You know not that I have to explain myself to you but I wasn't interested in anyone in high school. Guys tried a lot but I just wasn't comfortable with it. Once, I got into college on a scholarship mind you! Yeah, Alex not everyone's family has more money than god. I decided to focus all of my time and energy into school because if I fucked up there was no one to bail me out! So yes, here I am 26 years old and  a virgin. " you sigh after your long speech. You look up to see two shocked faces looking at you. You let out a small sob not even realizing you starting crying. "Sorry I wasted your time. " you say rushing down the stairs. 

You make it to the door when you hear your name being called. The voice makes you stop in your tracks. It's Alex. She comes up behind you pulling you around to face her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way, I'm just shocked. I didn't mean to upset you or embarrass you. I'm sorry y/n. Truly, I am." Alex says in a soft gentle tone.
You hear her but you're still upset. Sniffing and trying to wipe the tears off your face. Alex guides you to the couch were you sit in between her and Casey.

"Y/n. We will do this any way you want. There is no pressure and no rush. I hope that you can forgive our reactions." Alex says looking into your eyes. Casey leans in from behind you to kiss your cheek. "She means it honey. We would never make you do anything you didn't want too. And I'm sorry that we upset you."
Your body finally starts to relax and you give them both a watery grin. " It's fine. Thank you."
"How about we watch a movie?" Casey asks.
"Okay." You say softly.
The three of you get comfy under big blankets deciding what to watch. As the movie starts you feel Alex pull you into her side allowing your head to lean on her shoulder. She kisses your head softly and you smile.

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