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Your body is shaking You're so angry. Did they really not tell you about this weekend? Does Casey actually know? You grab your things and head straight for the elevator before remembering you're supposed to be riding home with Alex.

Walking back to the desk you have a range of emotions running through you.  The pain in your side increased taking your breath away for a moment.  It's all too much, all of these feelings, and doubts. It's just too much.
Alex chooses this time to walk out of the office.
"You ready to go?" She asked. You nod your head not trusting your voice. She gives you a small smile. As soon as you get in the car Alex leans over to grab your hand.
"Thank you for riding home with me. I know it's been rocky but I've really missed our on on one time. "  you can only nod at her not trusting the tears to stay at bay. You look out the window while Alex drives. Her hand is still in yours holding it tightly all the way home. 

Reaching the penthouse Alex lets you enter first. "Casey will be home earlier than usual. We're ordering take out so be thinking about what you want. She said she'll be gone an hour tops." You listen to Alex ramble on for a good minute before cutting her off kissing her. She's taken back at the sudden contact it doesn't last long though.  She's kissing you back with all she has.
"My love, I've missed this." She moans into your mouth. You let her lead you onto the couch. Her body weight on top of yours kissing you, pulling your clothes off. You're trying hard to keep these emotions shut down but unfortunately, they come out with full force. Your eyes pouring tears as you kiss Alex. She pulls back slightly tasting the salty tears.
"My love I'm so sorry about everything. I've missed you so much. " she cries kissing you again mistaking your tears for joy or relief. You start to cry harder when her hand makes its way into your panties. Alex pulls back again looking at you.
"My love? Are sure this is something you want? You're dry."
"It's what you want right?" You mumbled. Pulling Alex back down.
"This is what you wanted right? You wanted it all to be okay? Well here I am so just fuck me. " you cry looking up at Alex.
"What?" She says taken back by your words.
"I would never just fuck you and it's about what we both want. I would never treat you like that. " Alex says tears forming in her eyes as she moves off of you. You sigh pulling your knees up to your chest.
"Emma told me about this weekend. " you say quietly not looking at Alex. Alex breaths out heavily.
"My love I promise you I was going to talk to you and Casey about it tonight. I didn't pick Emma. Jack picked us I actually forgot all about it before she reminded me today." Alex tells you looking over to see your facial expression.
"We will be in separate rooms and I'll only have to be around her when we're in meetings." Alex continues which causes you to snort and roll your eyes.
"Alex, I couldn't care less what you do. Emma's not the problem you were right about that. I can't control Emma or her thoughts, crushes, actions. However, I can talk to you about them and we as a couple can set boundaries. To do that though both parties have to be respectful of each other. You don't respect me or my feelings. There's no point in even arguing about it. You'll do whatever you want to do anyway. So do you want to fuck me or not?" You ask her at the end of your speech. Alex sits there stunned for a moment. You roll your eyes walking off.

Alex's POV:

An hour later Casey comes walking in happy as ever.
"Hi. Did you guys order already? Or what?" Casey asked me walking towards the couch where I've been sitting for the past hour. I look up at tears falling down my face.
"Oh baby what's wrong?" She asked sitting beside me pulling me into her chest. I fill Casey in on everything that has happened including what happened here tonight. I can tell she's upset but she doesn't say much just letting me talk.

"Alex you know I love you. And I support you and your work. This trip wouldn't be a big deal if all of this was handled the right way. Unfortunately, your words and your actions have caused you to lose y/n's trust and only you can fix that. I can't play mediator in this round. This is up to you to fix. I still have your back but I promise you if you make me look stupid again for taking up for you it will not be pleasant."

"I love you Casey and I love y/n I wouldn't do something to hurt the two of you like that," I exclaimed to her.
"I do not doubt in my mind that you love us. But if you want this relationship to work with all three of us you have to try harder. No more lies, or half-truths, no more saying hurtful things because you pissed off and scared. But again this isn't about us. This is about you and y/n. You need to fix it, Alex."
I nod my head listening to every word coming out of Casey's mouth. I want to make this right. I don't want you to be angry with me anymore.
"When do you leave?" Casey asks.
"In the morning around 7 am. A car is picking me up and taking us to the airport. I'll be back Monday morning. "
"Okay. Let's go to bed." I follow Casey up the stairs. Once we get into the bedroom we notice that you are already asleep in the middle.
"Do you think she'll forgive me?" I ask Casey.
"I hope so Alex. I really do." Casey says climbing into her side. I do the same climbing in on my side. I hover over you and gently kiss your temple. "Goodnight my love," I whispered my voice cracking with emotion. Casey reaches over and squeezes my hand.
"Goodnight honey."
"Goodnight sweetheart." I smile back at her sinking into the bed praying for sleep.

The next morning....

Casey and Alex wake you up at the ass crack of dawn moving around the room. You look up to see Alex packing and Casey is helping her. Groaning you drop back down on the bed covering your face with Alex's pillow. You inhale deeply her shampoo still lingering on the fabric. Part of you feels guilty for the stunt you pulled on her last night. You feel guilty for being upset with her. But the other part of you is pissed off and hurt. You must have dozed off while your heart and your head were at war. Casey was leaning over you talking. You couldn't make out her words just yet but it looked a little brighter outside so you must have fallen back asleep.
"Y/n baby, wake up. Alex leaves in 20 minutes. I know you're mad but please come say goodbye."  Casey pleads to you. You get up making a quick stop in the bathroom before heading downstairs. Casey is kissing Alex goodbye. The two hold each other in their arms for a moment before breaking apart. 
Alex sees you and smiles.
"Bye." You tell her with little emotion. Her eyes drop.
"Bye. I'll be back Monday. Okay?"
"Yeah. Okay."
Alex walks toward the door before turning back around. Tears welling up in her eyes "I know you're angry with me. And you have every right to be. I just want you to know that I love you and I'll miss you. " she tells you her cries getting heavier with each word. You cast your eyes to the side praying no tears spill.
"Can I hug you? Please." She asked. You nod. Slowly making your way over to her. Alex wraps her arms around you crying into your shoulder. It takes everything in you, not to break down.
"I love you. " she whispered.
"I love you too," you say softly. Alex chocks back a sob more than likely shocked that you responded. Pulling herself back from you she gives you a watery smile.
"Okay. I'll see you two Monday. " she says walking out the door.
Walking towards the window you watch Alex load her bags and get in the car. Casey comes up behind you wrapping her arms around you resting her chin on your shoulder.  You break watching the car drive off crumbling into Casey's embrace sobbing.

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