Chapter 31

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Lilly's POV

After the phone call, someone came in and threw a black bag over my head. I was done fighting. I let them. I felt them tie it at my neck so that I couldn't pull it off.

Then it felt like someone kicked me in the head and all I saw was black.

When I came to, I realized I was in the trunk of a car. My mouth didn't taste like drugs, which I was thankful for. I couldn't remember what I talked about with Enzo that well. But, I remembered the gist of it. Enzo would die for me by the end of the day. I needed to figure out how to change his plans. I wished I could jump out of the trunk and run so he wouldn't be in the position to save me anymore. Or die, so he could be the one to live. I loved him so much. I didn't want it to end like this. I stared into the darkness of the bag over my head.

The next thing I knew I was being yanked out of what I assumed was the trunk of a car and being pulled through a quiet space. It sounded big and spacious like there was a lot of echoing. We must have been in the parking lot of Enzo's building.

My whole body was itching with anxiety. No one was even speaking. I didn't know how many people surrounded me. I just kept walking as a meaty hand tugged me by my arm, bruising my flesh.

We stepped inside the elevator, I knew when I felt us start moving up. Once we reached the penthouse we stepped out and the bag was ripped off my head. My eyes tried to adjust to the light quickly, but it gave me more of a headache than I already had from not eating or drinking anything in these past few days.

As my eyes finally adjusted I looked up to see who was there. Stefano and Dante were standing in front. Enzo was behind them. Alessio was sitting on the couch stiffly watching the men behind me and around me. There were three, plus Enzo's uncle. Four. They were not outnumbered. I quickly let my brain run with ideas. I remembered Enzo's words, as I looked around the apartment I remembered the guns. They were hidden all over. I wondered if Alessio and Dante or Stefano even know what was about to go down. They looked nervous but not on the brink of crying. Which told me they didn't. Tommaso was arrogant. He thought he had this in the bag. He thought Enzo was handing his life over on a platter. He didn't think to bring reinforcements. He was overly confident. But, that was good. I would make that be his downfall. I wouldn't let this execution get that far. I just had to get Dante and Lessi and Stef to understand my plan.

I didn't realize I was drawing out the conversation because the next thing I knew I was pushed into a warm body and I gasped at the contact. I looked up to see Alessio staring at me with nervous eyes. "My legs are so weak, please I can't stand," I cry out. I stare at him trying to convey the message but I'm not telepathic so of course, it didn't work. It still works though when he sets me down on the couch gently. No one objects which feels like pure luck.

He leads me over to the couch where he sits me down. He allows me to curl myself into a ball and lay down on the couch. I cover myself with my body as my hand slides into the back of the couch under the cushion. I bet there'd be a gun there and I bet right! I wrapped my hand around it and kept it still. Waiting for a good moment.

I slid it towards Alessio who was sitting next to me awkwardly, waiting for whatever was about to happen. I grabbed his hand like I was scared and needed comfort I tugged it ever so slightly pulling him closer to me. When I did he scooted as close as he could to me and felt the metal poke his ass. His face stayed the same.

He leaned back and must have felt another because he made the symbol "two" with the fingers he has in my hand. I leaned into him. Trying to give him a sign. We needed one more person with a gun for this to go well. It wasn't great odds.

At that moment, I retched. Right on the rug. It was disgusting. Considering I haven't eaten in so long it was just bile.

Alessio snapped at Stefano, "get Lilly something to drink. From the fridge, cold. She needs something to back her up."

Stefano looked confused and walked toward the fridge on the other side of the room. Dante still stood next to Enzo.

"Lilly, you sure you want this, you can't be feeling so good right now?" I knew what he was really asking. Wasn't I afraid of getting shot in crossfire in the next ten seconds?

"I need it please," I knew there was a gun in the fridge and the cabinets. He had to have one in his hand by now. Waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Come here Enzo, it's time to meet your maker," Tommaso laughed.

But, before Enzo could take a single foot I raised the gun, cocked it, and shot at Tommaso with all of the focus I could muster. It made my whole arm go back and it hurt. The bang was louder

than I expected. The movies never made it seem like it would hurt my arm so bad to take a shot.

Chaos broke out fast after that.  

Alessio ripped his gun out of the couch and started shooting and cursing in Italian. I looked and saw Tommaso laying on the floor struggling. There was blood pouring from his torso. I pulled the trigger again twice at the lump on the floor. One of the bullets hit him and he stopped moving. Shots were ringing out loudly. Stefano must have been shooting from the kitchen too.

A body flung on top of mine, and the wind was knocked out of me. I wheezed, but instantly relaxed. I knew that scent. The undeniable cologne of Enzo, my love. I felt the warmth of him press into me, protecting me. "I love you, Enzo," I said, though it was hard because he was pressing on my lungs and this man was huge. I needed to say it to him in person. In case this was our last chance. In case a bunch of Tommaso's goons started running in here and shooting up the place.

"I love you too, Lilly," his gruff voice whispered in my ear.

The booms of the shots stopped quickly. The whole thing lasted merely a few seconds.

"Lilly, you're so brave. Never do that again. You gave me a heart attack if he killed you I wouldn't know what to do." Enzo had tears in his eyes. But he still looked no less handsome.

"I had to. I knew he was going to kill you, and I knew they didn't know." With my last sentence, I shot him an accusatory glare.

"I'm sorry. I-," he was clearly at a loss for words.

"Enzo, I love you. But, there aren't any more gunshots. Please get off me. You're crushing me, and I haven't showered since I was taken." I was embarrassed. Surely I smelled gross. I knew I probably looked gross too.

His arms wrapped around me tightly and rolled us over so that I was laying on top of him instead. "I don't give a fuck. All I want is you near me. I don't deserve you, but God, am I a greedy man. I'm not giving you up Lilly. You're stuck with me. I'll love you till the day I die."

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