Chapter 9

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We walked down the hallway to the left of the living room to a set of black mahogany double doors. Dante slid them open and we all followed him in.

Even though it was Enzo's apartment, his brothers were very comfortable here. Like they must be here all the time.

The theater room lights went on when we walked in and I looked around, taking it all in.

The room was full of several black recliner seats and two large couches. One couch was in front and the other one was in the third row of seats. The recliners were in the second and fourth rows.

The room was a lot larger than I expected it to be.

The screen was huge, not as big as the one in a real movie theater. I definitely wouldn't have to crane my neck or squint my eyes, that was for sure.

The boys are settled into the first row, pushing each other for the seats they wanted. They took up three out of the four seats in the first row.

I didn't want Enzo to have to sit alone so I moved toward the couch in the second row. He reclined the couch seat to put his feet up. His arm draped over the back of the couch behind me. I leaned closer, wanting to feel the safety of his embrace again.

It's odd how close I felt to him in such little time.

The seats were on an elevated floor, so we were higher than his brothers in the first row.

Enzo sat next to me in the center of the couch. The cushions were super comfortable, and I got cozy curling my legs towards Enzo. I inched closer to him, feeling brave.

"Are you cold? Do you want a blanket, Bella? They're on the sides of the couch arms"

I nodded and went to move but he beat me to it.

"I got it," he draped a blanket over my legs that were curled up on the couch.

"Come on pick a movie, E," Stefano whined.

Enzo held up a small remote and let me pick a comedy.

Dante turned around to me and held up a plastic bag. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"You didn't think I'd forget snacks, right?" he teased, and I grinned at him.

I snatched the bag and pulled out a bag of Sour Patch Kids, a chocolate bar, and gummy bears, before handing it back to him.

"Thanks, Dante," I sang. He waved me off, and I rolled my eyes.

Enzo lifted the remote again, and the lights all dimmed until they were off. Then the screen lit up with the start of the film.

I opened the gummy bears and munched on them, offering them to Enzo every few minutes. We shared them, finishing them off before the movie was even that far in.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder, and he began to comb his fingers through my hair.

It felt lovely, but my stomach was in knots like I was back in high school- better yet elementary.

It was as if my crush was showing me attention for the first time and I was about to spontaneously combust from the nerves.

We were basically cuddling by the middle of the movie. My legs were draped over his lap with my head on the edge of his chest and his arm that was wrapped around my shoulders.

His other hand rested on my ankle. His forefinger was tracing circles on my skin but it felt like it was shooting straight up my leg to another body part.

He continued his circles slowly traveling up. The darkness made it so much more intimate than it should have been.

It was like every touch was electric.

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