Chapter 6

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I gaped at him with a loss for words. My mouth suddenly felt dry, thinking about the things he could do to me.

He was so big compared to me; his hands alone were about the same size as my face.

He was so painfully handsome. I always had a thing for bad boys. But looking at Enzo made me realize those little boys I was involved with were just posers.

Enzo was dangerous to be around.

Rob was in a trunk, and they all acted like it was a normal occurrence.

Sure, Rob's a dick, but did he really deserve to get beat up and shoved into a trunk?

By the time we finished eating dinner, it was almost midnight. I yawned loudly before I could stop it from escaping. Enzo chuckled.

"Tired, Principessa?" he asked me sweetly.

"Yeah," I nodded sleepily. My eyelids felt so heavy all of a sudden.

"Well, we are going to Manhattan for our business meeting, we will drop you off on the way Bella," he insisted.

I wasn't going to argue. I was more than grateful. Why would I want to take an hour-long train ride to get home?

Especially when it was so late at night, and all the creeps were probably out.

"Thank you so much, Enzo," I nodded at him.

"Yeah! There aren't enough seats in the SUV, but don't worry. You can just sit on my lap in the back, gorgeous," Dante chimed in suddenly. He was smirking hard and gave me a joking wink.

I giggled at his invitation. But when I realized Enzo was staring at his brother angrily, I quickly quit giggling.

"Sorry," I silently mouthed to Dante. I gave Dante and guilty smile when Enzo wasn't looking, and he laughed back. He gave me a quick thumbs-up, like getting Enzo riled up was so funny to him. I shook my head trying to suppress a laugh from coming out.

"Dante can just ride in the trunk with Rob," Alessio said with a shit-eating grin.

Dante scowled at his brother playfully. I laughed again.

"I think that's a good idea," Enzo added.

"Hey, no fair! Two against one?! Lilly, help me out," Dante raised his eyebrows at me.

"Stefano is right there. He looks more qualified to back you up than I am," I laughed out.

Stefano smirked and shrugged.

"Dante doesn't have to sit in the back seat," Stefano inserted himself into the conversation. Then he added smoothly, "Lilly can just sit on my lap instead."

I narrowed my eyes at him. Seriously Stefano.

He chuckled, and Enzo growled at him.

"Lilly will be sitting on no one's lap," Enzo said curtly. There was no room for joking and they all nodded.

"They were just joking," I defended, feeling awkward and a bit guilty.

"I know that Bella but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Joking or not, I don't care," Enzo said in a purely serious tone.

"Lilly I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry," Stefano quickly said, looking guilty.

"Me neither, I just thought we were having fun..." Dante looked down shamefully.

I frowned. "I was just playing too. I didn't feel uncomfortable, don't worry. I didn't think you guys were being serious or anything," I said awkwardly.

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