Chapter 19

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Don't make a single sound Lilly. He spoke cautiously.

I stayed silent. My body was trembling.

The safe room is safe, but you never know. These people are smart, whoever we are dealing with. We can't underestimate them.

I closed my eyes, rocking back and forth silently, trying to calm my body down.

Another bang. I jumped but didn't make a peep this time. I could hear my heartbeat loud in my ears. It was deafening.

I closed my eyes.

A third bang rang out in my ears.

Fuck. I was blind. I didn't know what was happening on the other side of the wall.

Enzo just got into the penthouse. Don't move or make a sound. No matter what you hear.

What if Enzo got hurt? Or Stefano? Or Alessio? I would never forgive myself. He gave me so much without even giving it a second thought, and I was about to put him and his brothers in more danger than they already were.

I held my breath waiting for anything to happen. The loud bangs stopped after the fourth. I wish I could hear better through the wall. But everything was muffled greatly. I was only able to hear the really loud noises, like bangs I couldn't decipher what the sources were. I strained my ears, desperate for any indication that Enzo was okay. That Alessio and Stefano were totally fine, besides the definite concussion.

I had to just wait there in the safe room for something to happen.

"Please be okay," I silently chanted to myself.

It felt like I was sitting there helpless for hours. I felt useless. Enzo could have been in danger, and I was sitting here doing nothing. I hated that I couldn't help. I knew that if I tried to, I'd be more of a liability than an asset.

I heard a thud. It was beyond frustrating. A bigger thud. A masculine yell. Fuck. Then there was silence for a few minutes.

"Please, Enzo," I begged silently, not knowing what I was even asking for.

I heard a click and jumped out of my skin. I closed my eyes afraid that Enzo wouldn't be the one to open the door, but instead the intruder.

"Hey, Princess!" Stefano huffed out with amusement. I jumped into him, crying.

"Thank god. Where is Enzo? Alessio?" I wrapped my arms around his ginormous body. He was bigger than Enzo.

"They are okay, Enzo is talking to Dante," he whispered, hugging me back. I exhaled, full of relief. I stepped back, getting a good look at Stefano. I nodded to him and my shoulders sagged with relief. My adrenaline was still buzzing in my veins.

"You promise?" I asked him.

"I promise," he smiled, but it didn't meet his eyes.

I nodded again and sighed.

"Come on," he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Keeping me steady, and looking straightforward. But I didn't miss the dead body of a middle-aged man lying on the floor of the library. The blood was soaking into the dark green carpet. I barely winced, though. Instead, I just looked away.

"Thank you for saving me," I whispered to Stefano.

"You're family, Lilly The sister I never had," he smiled at me with fondness. "I'll always have your back. All of us will. You are part of our family, Lilly. We protect our family, always. You never need to thank me."

I smiled at him; my heart was burning with warmth. Hearing Stefano's words, made all of my bad thoughts in the back of my head disappear. I was scared they didn't want me here, that they were annoyed by me. But, they truly thought of me as a part of their little family. They came, dropped everything, and came running to keep me safe. It wasn't the first time.

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