Chapter 31: New year's kiss (new year special)

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James: Are we almost done? we've been walking around town for like forever! and besides, it's already fucking dark out!

i glared at James while he puffed his cheeks.

You: One more complaint James and i swear to wall maria I'll kill you right on the spot.

James nodded while i sighed and kept looking around. As we kept walking, my eyes caught the perfect cake for new year.
(ik they don't celebrate new year but let's just pretend they do for the sake of this story lol)

i went in the store while James followed behind me.

You: good morning, sir! how much is for that cake?

i asked while pointing to a three layer cake.

"that would cost about 400 gold, your majesty"

i smiled and nodded as i gestured James to hand him the money. James gave the man the money as he started to place the cake into the box.

James: nice choice little sis. I'm sure everyone would like it. I was actually scared that you'd pick a red velvet cake but thankfully you picked a cheesecake.
(if you guys don't like cheesecake then you guys can pick the cake of your choice)

i smiled and looked back at the man who's already tying the ribbon on the box.

You: just thought we'd try something new. I mean, every time we celebrate a holiday or birthday we'd always have chocolate, vanilla heck even red velvet.

James chuckled and nodded. The man gave us the box while James took it as we both thanked the man and left the store.

You: Alright! i think that's about everything.

James sighed in relief while i chuckled.

James: Thank the walls.

i ignored him and looked at the list checking if i got everything and it seems like i did.

we both went to the carriage and told the coachman to bring us to HQ. while we're heading there, James kept on telling me to keep the cake away from Sasha while i sat there speechless. I totally forgot about Sasha! damn it! I sighed and looked out the window and saw that we have already arrived. We both got out and waved at the coachman wishing him a happy new year as he did the same.

James: So, what are we gonna do about Sasha now?

I sighed and looked around checking if Sasha was here.

You: I'll get Levi and ask him to carry the cake into his office and hide it there as well.

James nodded while i went to Levi's office. i opened the door and saw Levi sipping his tea while looking out the window. I went up to him and hug him from behind.

he looked at me and smiled.

Levi: hey there darling.

he turned around and returned the hug. he started to pamper me with kisses while i giggled.

You: oh! i almost forgot!

he raised an eyebrow at me encouraging me to continue.

You: Levi, can you please hide the cake in your office? we don't want Sasha to eat all of it before the celebration.

He nodded as we both made our way to James. James sighed in relief and gave Levi the cake. Levi took the cake in one of his arms while the other was around me.

You: oh wow. Never knew my boyfriend could be this strong.

I giggled while he chuckled and poked my side which made me squeak.

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