I Lied

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Nicki Minaj.

"Good morning Onika." Chris smirked as he came backstage.

"What the fuck? Now it back to Onika but yesterday I was Nicki?" I spat angrily, this is becoming annoying.

"Yeah... Think about it." He smirked as he walked off, leaving me standing there like a fool.

I walked off going to my dressing room. The tour starts today, I need to get dressed into my outfit. My first outfit reveals my boobs and ass. Once I was fully ready I walked out, heading towards the stage. Walking with my back straight, showing myself off.

"Good luck Nicki Minaj." Chris said coming up to me.

I just rolled my eyes at him, I don't understand him. But time to focus on my performance tonight. I ain't got time for him.

Chris Brown.

I watched Nicki as she performed. I can tell i'm annoying her a bit. She just doesn't understand what i'm hinting at. Onika is the sensitive, real and respectful side of her. Nicki Minaj is the performer, the sex symbol, the one who don't give a fuck. I don't hate the whole side of Nicki, the attitude goes well with her when she performs, I like to watch Nicki do her thing. Where as Onika is more girlfriend material, someone you would be happy to take back to your momma.

"Chris," One of Nicki's workers said to me causing me to stop watching Nicki and focus on what he was saying to me. "Nicki will be coming off soon, I need you to clear the outside area so she can quickly get into her car."

"Sure, on it." I nodded.

I took one last glance at Nicki on stage then headed outside to see Paparazzi everywhere.

"Y'all need to back the fuck up a bit!" I shouted as I moved them back.

Once there was enough space, Nicki came out. She covered up her face with her hands to hide away from all the flashing cameras. I held her waist as I always do and led her into her car, once she was safely in I got in too.

"Enjoy your show?" I asked Nicki as we started to drive off to her house.

"Yeah, can't wait to get the fuck out of this outfit though." She said about her last outfit she wore on stage, she hasn't got the time to change yet.

"You was killing it out there." I complimented.

"You ever cheated Chris?" She randomly asked throwing me off guard.

"No," I awkwardly laughed. "Whys that?"

"You ever got cheated on?" She asked ignoring my question.

"Uh, no." I lied.

I have only had one love. I thought I was going to settle down with her but I found out she cheated on me. The only reason I lied to Nicki about it is because she might start asking questions, which I dont feel like talking about. I don't know her well enough to being have personal conversations with her. This is business only.

She didn't say anything else after that. Once we arrived at hers I done the same as I did before, helping her into her house etc... Then they dropped me off back at my 'home'. Once I was back I ate dinner, got cleaned up then went bed. Is this what the rest of my month is going to be like? No family or friends here in LA and it's not like I can back and see them I have to be here all the time in case Nicki needs me. Talking about Nicki just before I went to sleep she messaged me.

From Onika/Nicki
Why did you lie to me?

I frowned at the text then I thought about our last conversation. How did you know I was lying about the cheating thing?

To Onika/Nicki
What you talking about? How could I lie to Miss Minaj?

From Onika/Nicki
Don't play you know what I am talking about. I could tell by the sadness on your face when I asked you that it was true... do you still love her?

Should I just tell her or keep lying? Maybe I should discuss it with her in person.

To Onika/Nicki
Ion know, I guess. But I ain't getting played by her. Can we talk about this in person instead?

From Onika/Nicki
Sure. You can be my bitch tomorrow, we will talk then... Night Breezy.

To Onika/Nicki
Night Onika;)

Am I really going to tell her what happened? I haven't told anyone. Not even my niggas back home, getting cheated on that will just be embrassing for me to tell them. I'm going to trust a celebrity I don't even know? Why she even care anyways? She's so random. I have only discussed this one with the girl who cheated on me. Am I ready to talk about it again? I guess it's time for me to stop pushing all my problems to the side.
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