Chapter 15

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I walked into the museum and looked around still in amazement that it hadn't changed much since I was a kid but I loved it so much. I walked to the information desk and smiled.

"Hi, I am here for an interview with Margaret. My name is Isabelle Taylor." I said and the girl at the info desk smiled at me.

"Yes, if you go up the stairs, the offices are at the end of the hall through the glass double doors. She is expecting you." The girl said and I nodded and headed up staircase in the center of the room. It was this big grand staircase and as I little girl I always felt like a princess being on these steps. As I walked up the steps I got a text.

>Hey, I have some exciting news. Can I call you?< the text from Chris read and I groaned.

>Sorry babe, getting ready to take some big executives on a behind the scenes tour. I will call you when I can. I love you.< I sent to Chris and sighed knowing I was lying to him.

I was lying to everyone. I didn't even tell my family I was in town. I got a hotel room and knew I would just go to the interview and go back to Florida. There was no way anyone was going to find out. I reached the glass double doors on the second floor and walked in.

*****CARLY POV*****

"Mom! Look!" Miles said excited as he pointed out the huge dinosaur in the main lobby and I smiled.

"I know isn't it awesome." I said smiling at him. I had seen that my entire school life whenever we took fieldtrips but now it was Miles turn and I offered to be a chaperone. I was looking around the lobby while the teacher took attendance and I saw someone I didn't even know was town. I smiled knowing Chris would finally be happy. He was too damn mopey when Belle wasn't around. I was about to text Chris when I saw her walk upstairs and towards the offices. So I pulled out my cellphone curious.

>Hey, why didn't you tell us Belle was in town? Trying to keep her all to yourself?< I asked Chris.

>She isn't in town Carly, she is at work.< Chris replied.

>Are you sure?< I asked confused.

>Yeah I just text her, she is about to do a behind the scenes tour with some executives. Why?< Chris replied.

>Chris, I don't think she is at Disney.< I replied. The three dots kept appearing and then disappearing.

>What are you talking about Carly?< Chris asked confused.

>Okay I'm with Miles class today at a field trip at the museum and I could have sworn I just saw Belle come in and head to the offices.< I sent. The dots appeared and then disappeared again a couple times.

>She just go in?< Chris asked

>Yeah, I would have approached her Chris but I have to stay with the kids.< I said.

>No, it's okay. I am on my way. If you see her, don't approach her.< Chris replied and I sighed. I put my phone away and went back to paying attention with the group unsure of what Chris planned to do or what exactly was going on.

*****NORMAL POV*****

About an hour later I walked out of the interview feeling like it went really well and I had a lot to think about. I walked down the main staircase and then straight out the front revolving door. As I reached outside I went to head to my rental car.

"You know, when my sister said she saw you I thought she was seeing things but now I see you too." I heard a voice say behind me and I stopped in my tracks. I turned to see Chris sitting on a bench outside the door on the opposite side I didn't walk towards.

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