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CHAPTER 2: Companionship

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, we do this for fun :)

Heritage ~ Parker's Residence

"PETER, DEAR! Someone is here to see you!" Aunt May intensely called for him. This wasn't the way she envisioned this night going. A stranger with a mysterious trench coat and an eye patch alarmed her.

"Ms. Parker, is it fine if I talk to your nephew alone?" Nick Fury kindly asked. He realized he caught her off guard with this visit, so he made sure to be polite.

"Well, I mean... it's a school night... And he doesn't get the best sleep," she stammered.

"I promise I won't take much time. 5 minutes is all I need," he pleaded.

Their attention turned to the sound of Peter coming down the stairs.

"Well then, it's up to Peter" Her eyes had this striking gaze, when she turned her attention to her nephew.

At that moment, his throat was up in a knot. He had to make this decision on his own. "Alright, let's talk in my room... Mr?..."


"That's a sick last name!" Peter mentioned as he led him upstairs. He glared at his aunt, who gave a look of concern in her eyes.

"I get that a lot," he subtly chuckled.

Once, they got up those stairs pretty quickly and made a right turn, tadaaa... they were at his room.

Although, when they entered, Mr. Fury didn't have a good impression of Peter, based on his messy room. "Not to be too judgemental son, but you got one mess of a room"

"Yeah... sorry about that. I've been pretty busy... with um... School... and I work at the bugle"

Peter shoved all of his mess underneath his bed. 'To be fair, I didn't realize we'd have guest'

"You forgot to mention one more thing," Nick Fury mentioned when he closed the door.


"Being Spider-Man... of course"

His heart dropped at that moment. He was speechless... His mouth, so wide open, bugs could start crawling in.

'WHAT IN THE- WAIT... He- HE KNOWS?! This is a TRAP! This gotta be! Hammerhead's coming after me! He upped his game. Man, I should've turned him in when I had the chance. Gotta get Aunt May outta here... we gotta fight our way out of this,' so many thoughts rushing in his small head at once.

He stammered, "Um sir... Mr. Fury. I'm not Spider-Man. You got it all wrong... I only take pictures of him... I promise you that..."

Peter tried to lie his way out of this. But the man seemed unfazed, so he readied his web shooters behind his back.

"Don't deny it, Mr. Parker. I've observed you the entire day. And you're a handful tracking down... young fella"


"That pager you've been holding the whole day"

'Such a rookie mistake! What the heck?! I'm so stupid... SO STUPID!'

He could tell Peter was tense about all of this, especially with him tightening his fist.

"Relax... I'm not here to hurt you or your aunt. And since I know something about you, you deserve to know something about me. I'm the director of SHIELD"

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