Chapter 11

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''Koeus!'' The 3 yelled

''So..The big three spawn have arrive.'' Koeus said

''Stop with the talk and fight!.'' Percy yelled

''If that's what you want..'' Koeus said readying his sword

5 seconds later Percy and Kois are in a tight battle. Thalia and Nico fight off the monsters going to them. Percy back flipp as Koeus tries to strike him. Percy wanted to toy with Koeus first and decided to not show his full potential. He made winds stronger around Koeus, making it hard for him to move. While Koeus is trying to move, mercy strikes his thigh. Koeus yelled in pain before getting out of the wind. They again are locked in battle. Thalia and Nico decided to 'help' Percy. While Koeus is so busy trying to hurt Percy, Thalia and Nico both strike him from behind. Nico strikes his right foot while Thalia strikes his right hand. Koeus fell down in pain and dropped his sword. Percy went in front of him knocking him out with the hilt of his sword. When no one is looking, Percy grabs Koeus, mist traveling to their house. When they were there Percy made chains from void metal using his power over creation. He put the chain on Kois neck, hands and feet. He whistled, calling for Kyama. Kyama jumped out of the swimming pool, going to his owner.

''Call Astrapi and Skia.'' Percy ordered. Kyama howled before Astapi appeared from the sky and Skia from the shadows.

''Don't let Kois escape, keep watch on him.'' Percy said. The pets nodded before settling down in front of Koeus' unconscious form. Percy mist travels back to the hill. He saw that there were only some monsters left. He quickly killed all of them. Percy went to Thalia Nico. They teleported to the house.

''We need to make a dungeon room. Skia, Kyama and Astrapi can keep him secure for now.'' Nico said, his cousins nodded completely agreeing with him.

They went to the back yard and started making an underground dungeon.

-Time skip -

After 2 hours they were done making the dungeon. They made the dungeon underground. There is a small patch on the ground leading to the dungeon. Only Percy, Thalia and Nico can open it as they need to use hand print. They made the dungeon all with void metal so the prisoners cannot go out or unwanted people go in. There are a lot of compartments. The compartment is only filled with a bed and toilet. They met a robot that can give food to the prisoners. The only way they can open the cells is to use Percy, Nico or Thalia's fingerprint on the middle of the door. They made sure no one could teleport in or out of the jail. They went back to the front garden to see Koeus already conscious.

''You! Let me out!.'' Koeus yelled when he saw them.

''Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. That's not how you should treat us.'' Thalia said

Percy went to him, knocking him out again. They dragged Koeus to the garden patch leading to the dungeon. Percy put on his handprint making it open, then dragged him down the stairs. They open one of the cells, throwing Koeus in. They close the door, before going out of the dungeon. The reason they did not kill him is because if Percy killed him in the fight he will only return to Tartarus where his masters are.

''The titans have reformed and joined the war. The primordials are getting more powerful if they can make the titans reform faster. Who knows, maybe the giants are also joining.'' Percy said worriedly.

''I don't think the giants will, we just defeated them.'' Nico said

''Possibly. We need to train the campers harder. They are not ready for this war.'' Thalia said

Percy sighed.

''I don't want any more demigods dying.''

''Neither do we. All we can do is help them get stronger. It's impossible that no demigods are going to die.'' Nico said, Thalia agreeing.

They arrived at the house. They went to their room to get some clothes. They change to some casual clothes. They went to the living room.

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