coming days~~

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Y/n gets some leisure time after coming back from Chilhyun's house she studied till night. As she is feeling tried so she sat on her bed with that gift box.

She gives a sweet smile thinking that Kangta oppa her bias sent her gift that's not the point, despite of busyness, he kept it mind and brought for me.

She unpacked it and saw Shoes that is from the brand that H.O.T. promoted by a commercial ad.

"Wow, it's really nicer than it's virtual photo ! How much is it? Omg it's the top five brand! It's expensive... Kangta oppa gifted me but why he said to unpack it alone. "

She notices a letter and a little ring box.

She wonders to seeing this ring. It's so precious. She doesn't delay to open the letter.

"Hello Y/n,
I said to unpack it alone because this letter and this little gift from me. I wanted only you to see this . You can think why I'd sent this to you, nothing to worry . Last of this month is your birthday. So it's my advance gift. As I'm super busy till the end of this month so this is the best way to send you birthday gift. I'm willing to come next month to visit Chilhyun hyung so we'll have a meet soon. You know what I miss y'all so much. I don't know before I was alright but after visiting your country it's attracts me. Somehow you attracts me. Whatever see you soon! Take care yourself bye!"


Y/n smiled widely after reading the letter.

"Woah...Kangta oppa is so gentle and nice. I'm shying that he is giving me much priority in his life. Am I worth of it? I don't know how is going everything. Kangta oppa is my bias and my dream boy. But whenever I see Chilhyun I always feel something different. I don't know why I'm like that." She said to herself as she puts all the things inside her drawer. And tried to sleep.


In Korea,

Next Morning. H.O.T. had a interview about their recent album. They got much hyped for their works pattern. The people of teenages attracted most to them. But they also spellbounded the authorities in this country and they paved the way for kpop generations.

Though it's their six years since they debuted. Their contact going to end on next May. But they still didn't think anything about this unless working hard for the next. Today Mr. Lee called a meeting with H.O.T. so Kangta and others have no rest after come back from a News Channels headquarter . They just had a normal breakfast and a coffee for stressful day.

"I think Mr. Lee going to talk about our next Fan concert ." Jaewon said after looking at his hyungs.

"Uhm..I think so whatever let's go!" Heejun pats his back and made him go with them.

H.O.T. bowed as soon as they entered into the meeting room.

"Annyeong Sunbaenim!" They said

Mr. Lee pats one of their back as made them to sit.

"How was y'all's interview, brats?"

"Always as well, we enjoyed to answering them" Kangta said while smiled

"Good, as y'all schedules are almost all way of ending. I talked with authorities and other programmers. H.O.T. 's next concert going to held on Seoul Olympic Main Stadium
2001.Feb.27 - 2001 H.O.T. Live Concert - " Mr. Lee said

"On 27??" Woohyuk jaws drops.

"Today is 20th February! We have less than a week !" Tony kinda yelled.

"Mr. Lee Sunbae, are y'all started to arranging all?" Kangta said

"What about tickets?" Heejun added

"One thing, Seoul Olympic stadium! It's so large stage ...Did you get permission to use this stadium?" Jaewon wonders.

"What permission? Our government is willing to give us this opportunity. Y'all know, H.O.T. is one of the biggest tributary and Contributors in present Korea! Y'all are the golden boys of our music industry. And we have almost all arranged nicely. Just has to publish date of selling tickets for fans and some announcement. From tomorrow our manager will do it no worries just to prepare well!" Mr. Lee said to them. They nods.

"Other things like song selection , continuation etc?" Woohyuk said

"I'll give a chart to y'all 's manager and he'll discuss with y'all about these things."

They nods,

"Sunbae, next May our contact going at deadline . Did you've thought about it?" Heejun said

Mr. Lee thinking few seconds later he replied,

"I'll let y'all know."


At Evening time. Y/n went to Chilhyun's house.

"Hey!" She playfully hits on his shoulder and smiled to him sitting in front of him.

"How are you?" Chilhyun said after seeing her.

"I'm always fine! Today I'm so happy. "


Y/n showed him that gift box .

"Kangta oppa sent this pair of shoes and this beautiful ring. This ring is for my coming birthday."

Chilhyun seeing her and wondering that Kangta remembered about her birthday and sent her gift also. That's surprising also making him blank.

"Kangta really remembered your birthday. Happy birthday to you in advance." He said with a low voice. Y/n can see his facial reaction but she ignores it.

"I've made dumplings for you." Y/n said as handed him a meal box.

Chilhyun widened his eyes while taking that .

"It looks good. But why sudden?"

"I told you that I'll make something for you. "

He nods and sighs.

"Let me feed you !" Y/n said as she took the chopstick and grab a dumpling as feeding him. Chilhyun unpreparingly eat it as chewing while looking at her with big eyes.

She satisfied to seeing him..

"You are so sweet." She said

" made it tasty!" Chilhyun said and blushing.


Day passing. H.O.T.'s next concert going to held within four to five days. Already, Fan buying Tickets. H.O.T. haven't any sphere of time for chill . They always hardworking idols.

There Chilhyun and Y/n's bonding is growing better. But Chilhyun always hides his emotions. He always been cold and tries to be cool. Though he likes Y/n most. It's really destined that Chilhyun fall in love with Y/n like that. He never thought that his life is changing like this. He literally thought that his life is flowerless and dumb. After his mother's death affected him badly but everyday he remembers about his mother. He really feels comfortable around Y/n it's like after his mother the second woman in his life is Y/n who is most beloved to him though inside and he never shows up to her.

To be continue....

'Your Touch Awakened My Heart Again'[Kangta Fanfic][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now