got to know ☯෴☯

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After the ending of their concert . Everyone happily went home. H.O.T. was so happy to perform in a different country. Y/N enjoyed the concert so much. Her dreams came true. She fully satisfied and can't think without going Korea, she managed to meeting with H.O.T so closely and also had watched a beautiful concert.

"Ahhh we had done our concert!" Kangta cheering himself.

"Yup! How was our concert, Chilhyun and Y/N?" Heejun said

"Amazing! A beautiful concert!!" Chilhyun smiled at them .

"I'm so lucky that I could able to see you guys..and had a beautiful concert!" Y/n bowed them.

"It's our pleasure that we met a fan like you!" Tony and others smiled .

"Okay y'all should take some rest!" Y/n said.

"Yes take some rest ...after that have dinner okay!" Chilhyun said to them and they bade bye while going their respectives room.

Y/n about to go but Chilhyun calls her out,

"Sorry about earlier,"

She looks back as glares at him a confusing glare.

"It's...ok" as soon as she could speak, he spoke out,

"Actually I don't like anyone to interfere about my privacy. So don't ask anything that's may look private what belongs to me ." He just said then pushing his wheelchair towards his room.

She felt mystified. She turned front and saw Kangta was so near to her so little flinched but to smile at him.


"Uh, where are you going?"

"Um..I am going back home." She was shying to talking with him.

"Are you upset about Chilhyun's behavior? " He turned her face and looked at her eyes.

"No...I was surprised just!"

"It's alright... Let's go rooftop and have some chat also I'll tell you about that VCR.." he takes her hand and went upstair.

"Nice rooftop!"

"Yup ..."

"I live on that building." She showing him the house and he could see that.

"Aw that's good! Thats why you could able to notice us."

"Yup why not! I heard IYAH was playing near my house...when I was reading. Then I quickly checked it then I got surprised!!!" She clapped. He smiles at her and seeing her cute face. He likes that .

She looks at him as she can sees him looking at her that's make her blushing.

"Oppa ..what's the relationship between you and Chilhyun ?"

"Chilhyun hyung is my Elder Cousin brother ."

"Oh I see! That's why you two looks alike to each other!!!"

"Yes....his mother was Bangladeshi and father is Korean. After his childhood he and his family came and started to living in Bangladesh. He was a normal happy boy. He had everything. But an accident made him like that rude and introverted."

She hearing and feeling bad also curious.

"What accident?"

"Actually this house was so splendiferous. There were Chilhyun and his family used to live happily. But one day accidentally Fire: occured and the whole house was burning dangerously . All of them was able to saved from that fire but Chilhyun's mom couldn't. When Chilhyun noticed that he went to save his mom but his mom rather saved him and she died. Chilhyun got injured as his one leg had to cut for that injuries. From then he is living like this. Though his father shifted another mansion but he didn't shift . He chooses to stay here until his death. He doesn't want to go anywhere. I tried to conversed him to come with me in Korea but he disagreed it." He felt sad about it.

'Your Touch Awakened My Heart Again'[Kangta Fanfic][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now