clingy :-[

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Y/n stands up from the bed as she thinking she should visit Chilhyun now. She thinks he must feelings lonely right now.

She got ready as she headed to his house.

Meanwhile Chilhyun was sitting on his bed so he was reading a book but he got bored. Now what else he can do. He remembers about going rooftop so he can gets some touch in natural.

"Uh... yesterday I was so gleeful with them....but now !..." He smirks at himself. As he trying to sits on the wheelchair but he flinched suddenly for a sound as he quickly look in front.

"Hey!! What's up!" Y/n smiling while coming to him.

He got surprised and looking at her .

"You?" Chilhyun finally asked.

"Yup! Why ? Did you see ghost? Why so surprised!" She came and sat next to him. He gets noobish because she is so close to him.

"What were you doing?" She tries to see what he has on his hand.

"Nothing special just was reading book.. what do need? "

He glares at her confusingly as asked her.

She looks at him with a questionable face as replied,

"Me?well, I came to having some chats with you..."

"Why me?"

She sticks her head towards him as saying,

"There's only H.O.T. fan I know is you!! Why , are you asking me to leave?"

He gets uneasy as turns around while replied,

"Uh no...just saying...!"

"Uhm good! Where were you going?"

"I'm going rooftop.." he said as he tries to get on the wheelchair. But she holds his arm.

"Yaah! Wait...why now? This is evening time..there must be dark...What  do to the roof now?"

He gets sheepish everytime when she arounds him.

" my wish I'll sit on there and have some time with nature."

"No! You don't need to go now!"


"There's nothing on rooftop! Better staying here also it's now evening.."

"If you want to stay here then do...I'm going..." He said as he sat on the wheelchair then leaving the room.

"This guy is so moody!" She said to herself as stands up going to him.

"Yaah listen me..." She said as she blocks his way. He gives her a annoy look while asked why.

"I afraid to go to on dark rooftop so let's gossip here!" She pouts.

"Aw really? Then what about that day when you've gone to your rooftop for seeing H.O.T.'s concert?" He gives her a questionable smirks after saying it

"Uhh...I was very excited then!"

She frawns at him.

"You should exited now too..." He said as going but she again holds his hand .

"Yaah why don't you listen me? Let's have some talks we'll watch H.O.T.'s song together! Shall we?"

He looks at her face. He feels something melting in his heart. No one can easily moves him from his words but Y/n can able to do it.

"Uhh okk! " He finally agreed.

'Your Touch Awakened My Heart Again'[Kangta Fanfic][COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now