A Normal Day

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TW - Slight illusion to previous *activity* cough cough

"Waking up at 6am should be banned." Virgil mumbled as he still lay in his comfy bed, his husband marching around in the darkness preparing for work. Logan chuckled along as he placed on his watch and his wedding ring. "I still can't believe you can talk to people before 7am..."

Virgil stretched, feeling utterly blissful after the time he managed to spend with Logan last night. The two men were in a typical homosexual relationship, lived alone and were in their mid-thirties – it was the perfect situation and circumstance for them to do whatever they wanted to do together whenever they were free. This was the perfect life. "I love you Sherlock." He eventually whispered, spotting his husband beside him sit down and stroke his hair. The fond look Logan gave his husband was irreplaceable.

"I love you too – especially when you look at me like that." Logan spoke quietly due to the time but there was so much adoration in his words. "And I'll miss you too."

Logan worked as an executive for a governmental organisation – a highly pressured workplace that paid very well and he loved it a lot, but he was away from home most of the day. Virgil worked from home as a therapist with his own office in the garden of the house that looked like a shed to everyone else. It was the kind of life the pair could only dream of when they started working as college graduates. But now they had their perfect life and had reached every milestone they set out – their lives were complete.

After quite a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes Logan's phone alarm chimed the Doctor Who theme. "Right, I have to get going. Cheerio." Logan stood up, giving Virgil a soft kiss before he endured tough travels to the nearby capital city. Virgil kept the kiss for as long as he could – but soon Logan's hands left his cheeks and his lips felt cold and empty.

But Logan leaving meant Virgil could sleep some more before his workday began. He couldn't remember exactly what his dream was about, but it was something involving Logan being utterly adorable and perfect. When Virgil's alarm beeped, he groaned and moaned, sitting up and preparing for his work day himself. The thing that kept him sane was that Logan will be returning in the evening with stories to tell and hugs and kisses to give.


It was early afternoon and Virgil was having a break between two therapy appointments to make himself coffee and stand idly in the kitchen. There was nothing else to do in the two bedroom house when he had no visitors or Logan. It was too quiet.

There was no noise in the entire house but Virgil's own sigh. Sometimes he missed the days he had roommates but now he was an actual adult and no-one his age slacked adult commitments just to lie on the sofa for eight hours and watch TV like his flatmates did in college. Work just took too much of adults' lives.

Sometimes he wished he still talked to his family so he could invite his parents to live with him and his husband – they had the money and room to do that. But unfortunately Virgil's parents had not spoken to their only son since he came out in college. He could see his neighbours, but they also didn't understand him that much as they were all families with quite a few kids and that's all their world view was. They had no common interests. The more he thought about it though the more he realised he needed somebody to talk to on days like this when his husband was at work.

Virgil didn't realise he had been staring at his coffee for around five minutes until he heard a knock on the door. The knock wasn't the sharp type the door knocker made so was probably the type of knock made by a fist. He paused, wondering if Logan had returned early and forgotten his house keys – but there was another knock again. The clock showed his next patient wasn't due to arrive for another hour, and they knew the common courtesy wasn't knocking at the front door anyway. Yet another knock came – Virgil couldn't help but open the door.

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