Chapter Two: Part Three: Clumsy Boy

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Noah's POV:

We were sitting at the dining table still, talking about the prices of firewood with Jamie's dad- when suddenly we heard a loud shriek from his mom Anita. Immediately all three of us stood and rushed outside worried that she was hurt or something. But instead we found Jamie lying on the ground unconscious and Anita trying to bend down and check on him.

Flynn ran fast as they could to get to him, i on the other hand was forced to be slow by Gorge (Jamie's dad) holding my hand down the steps because we don't have a stair-rail yet. When he was safely down I sprinted over to Jamie and Flynn, who by now was crouched in the melting snow lifting Jamie's head into their lap. "Jamie? Love, can you hear me?"

"My god, I don't even know what happened to him! Everything was fine then I looked over and he was falling!"

"He probably slipped again, unfortunately this happens a lot."
I knelt down beside Jamie and started checking the back of his head to make sure it wasn't bleeding, after confirming a lack of blood Anita calmed down a little. "Angel, can you hear me?"


He groaned and started coughing. Flynn and I helped him to sit up but even after he was done coughing he didn't open his eyes. "Angel, are you okay?"

"My god Jamie what happened..?!"

"Mmm... s-sorry.."
I was panicking almost as much as Anita, but tried staying calm. Jamie leaned his head against Flynn's chest and coughed again. "Baby, are you okay?"

"I-I think so.. i guess my foot slipped, my head hurts.."

"My gosh son, you gave your poor mother a heart attack. Be more careful." Jamie smiled and chuckled quietly.

"Yeah.. sorry dad, mom." Anita sighed and wiped her tears, she was still pretty shaken by the situation.

"Jamie, how bad is your head hurting?" He sighed. Flynn was obviously about to suggest we go to the hospital, I second that.

"Not bad, you got out here fast.."

"You were out for a minute or two, are you sure it's not bad?" Jamie opened his eyes and looked around, before his gaze landed on me. "I'm sure. Noah you need to go put shoes on, it's freezing out here!" I sighed, shaking my head. "Let's just get you inside, I know you're cold." I stood up, helping Flynn up as well. Flynn then picked Jamie up and started towards the door. I stayed back to help Gorge up the stairs. His bad leg makes walking a challenge and Anita is also prone to falling I've learned. So it's best I help him.

We're all safely back inside now, Jamie is sitting on Flynn's lap who's sitting on the love-seat. Anita and Gorge are sitting on the couch while I decided to just stand. We talked about trivial things, pretty much we were just keeping an eye on Jamie for the time being. He's still adamant about his head not hurting too bad, but Flynn and I can tell he's lying. We can feel through the Bond that a Mate is hurt. But Jamie's stubborn, so the only thing we can do for now is keep a close eye on him.


"Okay, fine.. I'll admit it hurts." He finally told us after his parents left. Around 7:30 at night. "Angel, have you felt tired since it happened? Is your vision blurry? What abo-"


"Don't 'Noah' me, just tell us." He sighed. Looking rather defeated.
"Nothing like that, I'm tired. But that's only the normal amount. It's just a headache.." I look at Flynn, they were contemplating something but eventually just sighed. "If anything changes you tell us right away, okay Love?" Jamie nodded. "Can you put me down now? I feel like a child sitting in your lap.."

"Sometimes I feel as though you don't understand the severity of the injuries you get.."Jamie huffed. "I'm sorry for scaring you two. I don't understand why I'm so clumsy.."
Flynn just nodded and leaned Jamie's head against their chest. I could tell their wolf was very close to the surface, which is partly why they're being so strict. I also think Jamie can tell as he isn't being so defiant about the situation. "-Noah? Noah!"

"Ah, what?"

Flynn grumbled something about me not paying attention. "What did you say?" They huffed again, now I was sure their wolf was close to surfacing. They aren't usually so aggravated with my not listening, unless their wolf is influencing them. "I was suggesting you two go take a bath. I have some paper work to do, so I won't be joining. But I got the 'good bubble bath' as you requested." I grinned happily and nodded. "I like that plan!"

"U-Um.. do I not have a say in this?" Jamie's face had turned red and he was slightly hiding against Flynn's shirt. "Awh, you don't want to take a bath with me, Angel?" He pouted.

"The last time I agreed to a bath with your company, it was far from innocent.." I chuckled. "Alright, I promise we'll behave." He looked at me suspiciously for a long while before agreeing. "Enjoy your bath." I laughed happily and took him from Flynn, ignoring Jamie's protest of me carrying him.

"Do you want the duck?"

"Are you implying I'm a three year old?" I shrugged. Grinning widely when Jamie smacked me with his T-shirt.

"Fine.. I do want it."

"Don't be embarrassed Angel, who wouldn't want a rainbow duck." He laughed quietly while turning on the water and fiddling with the temperature. It still makes me ridiculously happy whenever he acts silly like this with me. I hate seeing him so worried and sad all the time. Don't get me wrong I know he has a lot to deal with, especially since we're preparing to be parents so soon. He's still not in the best mindset about staying here as well. I'm sure we'll be alright.

Let me rephrase that, I KNOW we'll be alright.

But still, Jamie is scared something bad will happen. He also feels bad that Flynn and I don't have a Pack. We've assured him multiple times that he's more important to us. And we don't want to be in a Pack. But I know he still feels like he's making us miss out on that experience.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jamie wrapping his arms around me and planting a quick kiss on my lips.
"Are you alright, Babe?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm alright."

"Are you sure? B-Because you seem sad.." I smiled as he got shy. He tried not to pay attention to the fact we were both naked and kept his arms locked around me. "I'm sure, my mind was just wandering. You know how I am." He pursed his lips, blushing more. "C-Come on.." I followed him into the bath, only now realizing that it was full.

We both got comfortable, Jamie sitting between my legs and leaning back against me. It was silent for a long while. Until he turned around and looked at me. "I just remembered something."


"Our anniversary is next Friday. Do you still want to go to the beach?"
I nodded vigorously and he laughed.

"Okay, let's go then. I'm sure we could all use a day out."

Finally. I've been wanting to Shift and play in the ocean for so long!

Cinnamon. Chocolate. Tea.    BoyxBoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon