Chapter one: Part 5: Our Mates Distress

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Flynn's POV:

The day at work so far was long and tiring- not to mention I had a few interviews to deal with later today.

I was in the middle of an interrogation for a potential child predator- but I had to cut things short and have someone else take over as I got very anxious out of nowhere. My wolf didn't know wether to be angry or scared at that moment and I had no idea why we felt like this, eventually Noah mind linked me. 'Babe, can you come home early?'
My heart started racing faster but I still didn't know what the problem was. 'Why? Is everything alright?' He didn't respond for awhile, I started feeling dizzy. 'Noah answer me' ..nothing...
It was then my chest started hurting with a pain that wasn't mine and I knew something had happened to one of my mates..

I kept the mind link open while explaining I had a family emergency- then ran to the truck, after trying- but failing yet again to reach Noah i began driving back to the hotel.    I had no idea where they were, so I was merely operating on the little information my wolf could provide, directing me towards their scent.   My heart stopped for a split second when I drove past the hotel and in the direction of the hospital, if that wasn't enough to make me freak out than the pain still eating at my chest certainly was.   But worse is that fact I couldn't distinguish who the pain belonged to.  If it was Noah (depending on the wound) luckily he could heal completely within 2 hours.  But where Jamie lacked werewolf healing that made things a lot worse if he were to be the one hurt...

After passing the hospital I simultaneously felt relief and dread, the pain was also growing more unbearable a sign it wasn't Noah's..    I stopped outside a coffee shop and made my way in, the moment I stepped in I could smell blood and hear Noah growling.

(Now, one thing you should know is that werewolves aren't commonly seen outside a pack territory.  Humans were forced to accept our laws and rules because we were the first sentient animals on this planet. And also the fact we exponentially overpower them. Our existence was just kept hidden for eons out of fear.  We were accepted- but not a lot of information on us was open to the public, where this town wasn't a pack territory the people here most likely thought of us purely for school projects, a basic werewolf class was implemented into the education system a few decades back to help people better understand how to deal with us.  Needless to say I'm sure running into two angry mated werewolves wasn't on the forefront of someone's worries in this town.)

I instantly located Noah standing at the back of the café, he was guarding the bathroom door from some blonde chick I didn't recognize, the murderous look in his eyes told me something definitely happened to Jamie. I quickly made my way over to him, the other customers had either left- or stood far away watching the chaos unfold.  

"-Don't you even take one step forward."   A shiver crawled all over my body at the sound of his voice, I could tell his wolf was close to fronting from the territorial bite in his words.   I quickly made my way over- not wanting to startle him (cause I want to keep all my blood) I decided to mind link him; thus gaining his attention with a lack of claws.  'Babe, what's going on?' His eyes flicked to me for a second, then back to the girl. 'Jamie is in the bathroom, I need to check on him, keep this bitch out' with that I took Noah's place as he stepped into the bathroom.    

I could hear the whispers of other patrons, confused, scared, annoyed, and amused.    I was trying not to rip this girls head off having no clue what she'd done, but the fact that she HAD done something, made it more of a struggle to keep my wolf under control.

"And who might you be?" The girl said, obviously annoyed. "Flynn." She rolled her eyes, "I would like to stay and chat but I have a job interview, so be a dear and give this paper to the hideaways in the bathroom" she said handing me a slip of paper, before turning on her heels and indignantly clacking out the door.

I put the paper in my pocket then quickly made my way into the bathroom- locking the door behind me.
The instant I entered the small room my nose was assaulted with the strong smell of blood, upon turning the corner I was faced with a scene that made my heart drop.

Noah had Jamie sitting on the sink. He had blood running down his lip- and hands, with a decently sized red stain on his chest as well. His eyes were unfocused and hazy, coupled with his shaky and hyperventilating form I knew he was having an anxiety attack.

Noah looked at me pleadingly. as he was already overwhelmed with the situation I made my way quickly- but calmly- over to them, he stepped back as I took over trying to help Jamie. Eventually he calmed enough to speak- though still shaky and quiet. "Love, where all are you hurt at?" He showed me his hands, a few decently sized cuts littered his normally pale fingers- now adorned with a fair amount of blood. Then he winced- slowly motioning to the red stain covering his chest. "I-It hurts..." Noah walked back over to us and carefully lifted Jamie's shirt so we could look at what we were dealing with. He had a big cut that ran across his collar bone to around the middle part of his ribs, it wasn't very deep- but certainly was deep enough to warrant going to the hospital. Under normal circumstances we would've just convinced him to go- however in his current mental state convincing him to do anything he's afraid of would indefinitely cause another anxiety attack. Thus we made the decision to bring him back to the hotel and do the best we can there.

After I finished cleaning and bandaging his wounds we got him settled into the bed, I then started putting the medical things away as Noah sat beside Jamie, still trying to keep him calm. soon after I sat down with them Jamie fell asleep, We could both tell he was exhausted so we made sure not to wake him up during our conversation.

"Babe, can you tell me what happened now..?" Noah sniffled, rubbing small circles on Jamie's hand. "W-Well.."

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