Chapter Two: Part One: A Good Reunion?

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Noah's POV:

"My gosh, dear look- Is that June?" A woman occupying the bench near us spoke and Jamie tensed. We walked over and Flynn sat him down onto his feet. The woman stood, looking us up and down but primarily focusing on Jamie. "My dear you look so.. different..?"

Jamie was trying very hard not to freak out, but Flynn and I could both tell he was close. "Hi mom, u-um.. a lot has changed with me."

"Oh I bet, dear. And who are these handsome fellows?" Jamie chuckled nervously. "W-Well um, this is Noah an-"

"Flynn? Right, right. I remember you dear, oh my what an embarrassing first impression." Flynn smiled politely and shook her hand after me. "Y-You've met?" She nodded motioning for us to have a seat. We sat on the opposite bench, it was to small for us three side by side, so Jamie sat in Flynn's lap. "So, June. dear, what have you been up to?"

"I-I've changed a lot mom, dad.. but first. I'm t-transgender." The shock on their faces was visible. And Jamie's heartbeat quickened when his dad frowned deeply. "What are you saying dear? You're a boy now?" His dad seemed a little more aware of what the term meant. "Y-Yes.. my name is J-Jamie now, a-and I use
he/him pronouns.." there was a tense silence before his mom asked- "what is a transgender?" Jamie was getting more nervous, so I cut in. "It means his gender identity is different from the one he was assigned at birth, so he is female to male transgender. Like myself." She nodded slowly, looking a little less confused. "Jamie now was it?" He nodded shakily.

"Well, I've always wanted a son haven't I? You look good, much more grown up since I last saw you." I was pleasantly surprised by his Dad's response, that was one worry off my mind. Now his Mom's reaction was in question. She was silent as Jamie stood up and walked over, giving his dad a hug and returning back to Flynn's lap. He grew more nervous as her silence continued.

"M-Mom..?" Eventually she sighed, rubbing her temples. "I'm sorry, dear. It's just going to take me awhile to wrap my noggin' around this. But just know that I still love you." He sniffled and Flynn wrapped their arms around him. "I-I understand, b-but If you have questions ask me.." she nodded.

That certainly could've gone worse, so I'm glad she seems to be taking it relatively well. Jamie talked with his dad for a few minutes about how college went and his degree from culinary school. It was nice to see how supportive and just genuinely happy he seemed hearing all about what Jamie had done and achieved so far. Even his mom seemed to lighten up after awhile and joined in the conversation. They also took Flynn being non-binary quite well, and even used the correct pronouns pretty fast. His mom only skipping up a few times. Jamie had finally started calming down until the question of why we all lived together was brought up. "W-Well, um.. Flynn and Noah are werewolves."

"Ah, that explains those muscles, huh." I chuckled, I'm not as physically built as Flynn. But you can definitely tell I workout frequently. "And um.. w-we're Mate's, a-also engaged..." surprisingly his mom squealed happily doing a little dance in her chair, his dad just looked a little shocked. "Oh my! That's so funny because Tyler is also engaged to his Mate!" Jamie smiled and nodded. "I-I know, we ran into him in the store and we've spoken some since then. Though Vallory wasn't able to make it because she's still on a business trip."

"This is just so exciting! I'm pleased to know you'll be taken care of, now. I believe your house is close to us right?"

The rest of the reunion went very smoothly. Jamie's mom warmed up to the idea of him being trans quite fast, which is great. They both almost lost their heads when Jamie said I am 7 months pregnant. Going on about how I certainly don't look the part at all, his mom seemed ecstatic about having a 'grandbaby' as she put it. His dad was a little more shocked and took a few seconds to actually respond. But overall, the reactions were very positive.

Eventually though, Jamie got too cold so we had to leave. Though we planned for them to come over and have dinner with us tomorrow, Jamie was also hoping to invite Tyler. Possibly Vallory if she's back- so we can meet her.

It's now around 11:20 pm, and we're finally getting ready for bed. Flynn is already in bed with me, while Jamie is getting his pajamas on.

"How do you feel after today, Love?"
Jamie stumbled a little, trying to put his leg in the pants hole. He managed to steady himself. Just enough to get it on before answering- "I feel so much happier, thank you two. Calling them was definitely the right thing to do. Otherwise I would still be worrying over it." He walked over to my side and crawled onto the bed, trying to get over me to lay in the middle. "I wasn't expecting them to be so accepting of me but I- hey, hey! Flynn!" Flynn chuckled as they pulled Jamie over to them, holding him close to their chest and nuzzling their face into his neck. Jamie was adorably flustered about them being only in boxers. "Y-You are bad.." Flynn chuckled and kissed his neck. Jamie visibly shivered from the contact and his cheeks went pink.
"F-Flynn.." Jamie's voice was quiet and breathy. "You smell so good love, I could just eat you up right now.." their voice was deeper and more gravelly than normal, indicating their wolf was close to the surface.

As they continued to gently kiss and caress our Mate my wolf took control and began loving on Jamie as well. Before I lost my vision, I saw Flynn's wolf take over as well. Both of them were dead set on making Jamie feel good. All I can say is..

they did,

And they did it well.

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