Chapter one: Pilot

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This story is a collaboration with my younger sibling, they helped me with some finer details, the storyline, characters, and other things, a big thank you to them!!

Their username is lark_jack

Jamie's POV:

I woke up early in the morning as I had to go pickup Flynn from work, yet again they were working the night shift.   I tried to sit up but felt a warm hand holding me down, a smile stretched across my face as I admired the sleeping beauty snuggling me in the bed. With a kiss on the forehead I then begrudgingly got up to the bathroom and to get dressed, the cold linoleum floor reminded me of the weather outside.

I arrived at the prison showing the guard my ID to get in, upon arriving I saw my handsome Fiancé sitting on a bench talking to another guard. I pulled up whistling at them- earning a chuckle from Flynn as they got in the passenger side.

"How was your night love?" I asked as they kissed my cheek and buckled up, "it was uneventful to say the least, how was yours?"
I smiled to myself, remembering the events of late last night. "Noah unintentionally went to bed early, we were watching a movie and he fell asleep on my lap." Flynn chuckled, placing their hand on my lap with a smirk on their face, I didn't quite understand what it was about so I kept driving.

When we got home Noah was already awake, and in the shower getting himself ready for today, I silently laughed after hearing him squeak in shock as Flynn invited themself to the shower. The noises echoing throughout our apartment made it difficult to focus on packing, eventually though they both emerged from that steamy situation to get changed.

"What took you so long huh?" I questioned clearly knowing the answer, but I find it amusing to watch Noah blush and stutter in embarrassment. "It wouldn't have taken so long if Someone-"He said emphasizing the word and playfully glaring at Flynn,
"-didn't distract me." Flynn's eyes flickered to a golden colour before turning back to their normal forest green,
"You know it's hard to resist when an opportunity arrives dear" Noah huffed cheeks still red, before they both got dressed.

After we were almost ready my alarm went off, signaling the time we leave for the airport.   Noah helped me pack the few remaining clothing items we had scattered around the room- while Flynn moved our luggage into the truck.

We arrived at the airport 30 minutes early even after going through security and getting everything situated.   Noah was quite exited to leave the city as it would be his first time on a plane, Flynn was worried about him getting air sick and made sure to bring crystallized ginger incase.   I however wasn't worried about the plane, but about the place we were headed.

It's been over a year since I went to my hometown, a lot has changed in the past years, good and bad, but most of all I look very different, like top surgery and testosterone for two years different.  Needless to say I was more than a little nervous, which I knew my Fiancé's could feel, and it definitely wasn't helping them either.

After a painstakingly long flight, we arrived in the city near Oakerville at 7:30 pm, I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves before I threw up again. Much to Noah and Flynn's surprise (and my dismay) I took the role of getting horribly airsick. It seems recently that was just how my luck was going, as the weeks prior to this trip I kept feeling ill.
They had started getting worried- but me being stubborn just waved it away as nerves.

While waiting for our car to arrive it had begun snowing, I was peacefully enjoying the small flakes falling to the ground, which was already graced with a layer of the cold white substance- when I felt a pair of cold hands underneath my jumper, weaving their way to my chest as a familiar chin rested on my shoulder. "Give up on convincing Flynn to have a snowball fight did you?" I heard a small huff followed by a chuckle as Flynn made their way beside me. "They said it was to dangerous and I could slip" even without seeing his face, I could hear Noah pouting in my ear. "But they're right you know, you may be graceful as a wolf- but I've seen toddlers more coordinated than you in human from love." He scoffed, burying his face in my hair, And mumbling something incoherent behind me- I felt eyes on us in no time, but I ignored them, I didn't miss however the small growl that rumbled beside me as Flynn took my hand, glaring at a few prying eyes.  It made me smile to myself, before I realized someone might recognize me. I instantly tensed up, trying to keep my mind off that thought, and instead focus my attention on my fiancé's as we waited.

4 hours later around 11:30 we finally made it to our hotel room. Noah instantly collapsed on the bed, leaving me and Flynn to bring up our necessary luggage.   After it was all said and done and we were in the bed together, I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous for the days to come, unsure of my parents reaction to this new part of my life, I began feeling sick again, this time certainly because of nerves. "Love, are you alright?" Flynn wrapped an arm around me, turning my attention to them. "Yes, I'm alright.." they didn't look convinced whatsoever, pulling me closer to them, "I can't help but feel you're lying to me, what's going on?"
As always it was pretty much impossible to sneak anything past them, they knew me to well.    I sighed leaning my head against their chest. "It's just... I'm worried about how my parents are going to react.." they frowned, placing a hand on my cheek and looking at me with those beautiful forest green eyes. "I'm sure they'll love you no matter what, and hey- if they decide to be assholes, I can always hire a hit man." I chuckled to myself, snuggling closer. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." They kissed my forehead and held me close, playing with my hair. I listened to their heart beating, coupled with the soft snores of Noah (who by now was snuggling my butt) then I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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